Chapter 16

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Based on Baltasar's information, Antalasia and Angelo were making their way across the prison camp to find the underground cave. They climbed over the fence of their field, crawled past the shed and grew closer to the stabled dragon-horse Rhazaqats at the edge of the camp. 

Smelling something odd in the air, the Rhazaqats began grunting loudly. Antalasia jumped over the fence quickly and began whispering soothingly. They soon settled down. Just as she made a move to continue, Angelo pulled her down roughly.

About to protest, she fell silent, hearing faint footsteps. Soon shadows sprang up and darted excitedly as a guard hobbled his way to the sables swinging a lantern. Antalasia and Angelo forgot to breathe and their hearts skipped a beat as they fearfully waited for the guard to pass by.

Instead, the guard came and stood next to creatures, his lamp illuminating the surroundings, barely missing Angelo lying over Antalasia on the ground. "Why were you making noises, boys? Is something the matter?" he crooned.

Angelo's grip grew hard. Antalasia bit her lip, suppressing her squeak of pain.

"Come on, Gerraro. There's nothing out here. Those things are being silly again," shouted a voice.

Gerraro didn't move.

"Come on, mate. I need to lock up again," shouted the same voice in irritation.

Huffing, Gerraro shuffled his way back.

Angelo and Antalasia lay frozen for another couple of minutes. Angelo's eyes kept darting all around.

He grunted in sudden pain. Antalasia had elbowed him in his stomach. "Get off me, you oaf. I can't breathe and oh, my poor hand. Let go," she whispered furiously.

Sheepish, Angelo quickly rolled over her. She sat up and rubbed her wrist, hoping Angelo hadn't already broken it.

"Let's go before anything else happens," she said and scrambled her way past the sheds. Angelo followed as quietly as he could.

"The old man, Baltasar said it should be somewhere out here. Search Angelo," she whispered.

"Search where? It's pitch black. I can't even see my feet properly," he grumbled.

Before she could respond, something heavy slithered past. They froze. The slithering noises grew louder and louder.

Something slimy bumped into Antalasia making her stumble into Angelo. Forgetting to breathe and as still as the rock on the ground, they peered into the darkness, trying to determine what was around them.

A sigh of relief escaped Angelo. "Relax. It's just the Centi-Rhazaqs. Let's go," said Angelo and started to earnestly search for the cave entrance.

Antalasia looked in his direction absolutely perplexed at his disregard. Unable to see his face, she wasn't sure if he was joking or serious. "Are you mad? They'll eat us," she growled.

"They won't. These ones are without fur. Which means they are well fed. They won't eat us. The ones with fur will be further away. Now hurry. Let's find the cave," he urged.

Antalasia pursed her lips and kept stumbling around. She knew Angelo and other prisoners did not disclose the ongoings of the camp. But, this was ultimate. She was frustrated and busy making plans to make Angelo spill the beans when they returned to camp. Lost in thought, she wandered, searching for a cave - a depression or a slope or a rock formation.

A sudden muffled shriek and scraping sound alerted Antalasia and brought her out of her musings. She started and jerked to a stop. Looking into the velvety darkness, she waited quietly, worried that they were caught. 

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