Chapter 2

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I stare out the window as Heather's Mum's car pulls up in front of a dark house. It was easy pulling her mother away from the exhibition hall. Once she found out who I was she eagerly agreed and has spent the whole trip firing questions about what Asher's like, and what he can really do. To keep up the mystery -- and because I don't want this conversation -- I answer most questions with 'It's real', 'Yes he can' and 'I can't answer that'.

The car comes to a stop and before the engine stops all three of us departs the car. Heather and Robyn dart towards the house we're in front of. Their quickened pace shows they don't want to stick around and be a part of this stupid conversation one second longer.

"Have fun girls," Heather's Mum calls out the window as we depart from the car. "Oh, and Sera, you'll try to get me a ticket for the next show."

"Yes, I'll see what I can do," I say, knowing she'll have a better chance at winning the lotto than attending one of Asher's shows.

"That would mean so much, Thank you." She waves out the window before driving away.

"Too bad you're not going to be sticking around." Heather laughs. "That was just classic. But, please promise me you won't get her a ticket. I don't think I'll be able to put up with her after she actually watches that damn show live."

"Don't worry." I shake my head. "Asher would never give me a ticket, and I don't plan on begging that idiot for one either."

Both girls burst out laughing.

"You're right, Heather. It was a great idea to bring her." Robyn straightens up and rubs the bottom of her eyes in an overly dramatic way.

"Are you sure there's a party here?" I look at the house we're standing in front of. The windows all remain dark and silent. Nothing moves inside, and the thought that we're at the wrong house, and we'll have to find something else to do for the night is a welcome thought.

"Yeah, this is definitely the place." Heather starts walking around the side of the house to where a gate sits open.

The soft thumping rhythm of music coming from deep in the yard beyond the gate is the first signs of a party taking place. The further we move into the never-ending yard, the louder it becomes. My gaze fixes on the line of trees that stand like silhouettes in the distance. The only light comes from a bonfire set up in the clearing in front.

Coming to an abrupt stop, I stare at the numerous bodies participating in this party. At least fifty teens surround the crackling fire gyrate to the music coming from two speakers leaning against a distant tree. Other teens scatter under the dark shadows of the trees.

I rub my bare arms as an uncontrollable shiver races up my spine. Maybe this wasn't the best idea I've ever had. I don't know what's going to happen tonight, that's if anything even happens. I just don't want to go through it sixty times to figure it out. My best course of action is to make sure I absolutely don't come into contact with anyone.

"Can you see him?" Heather calls out, her gaze darting around the crowd.

"No." Robyn shakes her head. "But he has to be here. Jason told me that Bev told him that he would."

The two girls weave through the crowd with ease. I can only stand and watch them leave. My bare arms itch as the girls bump and push away dancers as they move.

I dart my gaze around, looking for the best path to make my way through the crowd. I curse in my mind 'shit, I should have brought a jacket with me tonight'. I take a deep breath, but before taking my first step, a boy's voice sounds from behind me.

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