15- {final chapter}

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We stood there for who knows how long just staring at each other. I was gripping his arm so tightly I was afraid it might shatter.

"Sorry," I said quietly dropping his arm from my clenched fingers. "I didn't mean any offence."

He shook his head picking up my chin with a finger.

"Offence? How could you have offended me. For the past five hours you've sat at that barstool and listened to me recite all my memories from years ago.

You listened to me when I was afraid no-one ever would. You understood me when I was devestated at my losses, you pushed me to keep going, to finish the tale. You are the first person I have ever told all of this too.

You have helped me more than any record deal, years of being in a band or any amount of money ever could. You and your ability to hear and not judge are all I have ever needed.

I owe you more than I have," he pleaded gripping my wrists tightly.

"Niall please, how... I'm not a psychiatrist..."

"May listen to me. You don't need to be a psychiatrist to understand my soul."

My breathing hitched, this torn broken man was staring at me like I was the only light in the tunnel of darkness his life was travelling, like I was his only hope.


"May please, don't speak. Just...hold me."

I pulled him to me swallowing his smell into my heart, engulfing my senses with hope and joy so fierce I feared my heart could take no more.

Wet lips kissed my cheeks, nose, forehead. His hands roved my arms, clutching my elbows, shoulders, fingertips.

I turned his head to face mine tugging his jacket flush to my chest. My finger brushed his lips, our breath mingling in the cool air.

"Slow down tiger," I managed my words coming out between breaths "you don't even have my number yet."

He grinned so broadly it looked like it might split his face.

"Coffees on me," he whispered grabbing my hand as he pushed on the door.

"Tell me all about you May I'm sick of hearing my own voice."

-Five years later-

"Lily come on! The baths already running."

Tiny feet patted down the hallway to the bathroom door.

"I here mummy!" She squealed throwing herself into my awaiting arms.

"What say you and I watch some Dora then an early night?" I asked as I pulled her clothing off her hurriedly.

"Okay mummy!" She squealed giggling in the way only toddlers could.

An hour later she was asleep on my chest breathing heavily. I switched off the T.V carrying the sleeping child to her bedroom.

"Goodnight darling," I whispered pushing back her hair from her forehead and kissing her gently.

"Night Mummy," she mumbled clutching her teddy close to her chest.

My bedroom door was slightly ajar, the cool breeze flowing through the open window.

"Niall was meant to be home by now," I thought stupidly as I made my way into the bedroom.

I barely took notice of the neat letters laid out on the bed spread until one with my name on it caught my eye. This scene was all to familiar.

The envelope was gold with 'May' smudged across the front in black marker. I hastily opened it leaning back on the bed to read.

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