My Last From Mum

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In the last part I described my life growing up, at home and at school, during the nineteen fifties. Yes I got my fair share of spankings, but didn't everyone then. But I grew up and by the time I left school at the age of eighteen, I really thought those days were behind me.
The very last time I had got a proper one from Mum, was a year earlier and that was really only because of my sister, Lucy. It was during the Christmas holidays and we were both stuck indoors all day because of the weather. We were supposed to be revising, for the exams due at the beginning of the new term. I had my mock A levels, Lucy had mock O levels. But we were bored and bad tempered and so probably, to be fair, was Mum.

We had been niggling each other for days, ever since Christmas was over and were just killing time waiting for the new term to begin. Both of us were working at the big table in the dining room. Mum always thought we wouldn't do any proper work if we were hidden away in our rooms and she was probably right. We were both supposed to be doing practice exam papers and Mum said she wanted us where she could see us. Well that of course was a recipe for trouble.
It was lots of little things. Fights over space at the table, shared rulers, rubbers, even over the biscuit tin. A drink got spilt. Anything to break the monotony.
Mum had already warned us several times. No TV until we had finished, no going out in the evening to the youth club we both attended, no pocket money. Once, she even made  both of us, hold our hands out and smacked us with the ruler we had been fighting over. Just like when we were still kids.
That would all work for a while, but then, after half an hour or so, something else would happen and we would be at it again. Mum, amongst the other threats, even reminded us we were not too old to have our bottoms smacked. But I thought she was just saying that and I don't think either of us took her seriously. After all I was already seventeen and even Lucy was fifteen and believed that was all in the past.
But Mum was getting increasingly frustrated, the squabbling had been going on for days and there was still another week before we both went back to school.

Finally, she had had enough and said.

"Right! That's it. Upstairs, the pair of you....And bend over your beds."

As we usually did, we first blamed each other. Then promised we would stop fighting and get on with our work quietly. But it didn't work. Mum had made up her mind.

Seeing Mum was determined, Lucy gave up and trailed miserably up to her room. I didn't move. I still didn't really believe Mum would carry out her threat. I tried reminding her that I was nearly eighteen and would be off to university in a few more months.

"Only if you pass your exams!"

She looked very hard at me and my bravado dissolved.

"Now. Are you going to do as you're told, or do you want to wait until your father gets home from work?"

That was it. I was never quite sure what Dad would do, but we both knew I had no desire to find out. So I slowly followed my sister upstairs.

As I passed Lucy's open door I saw her draped obediently over the side of her bed. As usual at home, she was wearing a short skirt with her white kneesocks from school. She had pushed up the skirt and I could see her cotton knickers, as she knelt quietly, ready for Mum to smack her.

I went into my own room. I hadn't yet made the bed, which I knew I should have done, but quickly pulled up the covers so it looked fairly tidy. I just stood there though, wondering what I should do. It was more than two years since I had last been in this situation. I knew that if Mum smacked Lucy, she would probably smack me. That was only fair and Lucy was obviously expecting to be smacked. Well she was only fifteen, the same age as I had been, the last time.

I heard Mum come up. I knew she would go to Lucy first, she always did. I couldn't hear what Mum was saying, but clearly heard the crack of the slipper as it made contact with Lucy's bottom. She squealed loudly. Then there was another smack.

I quickly pushed down my trousers and knelt by the side of the bed. I didn't yet lean right forward, I still didn't really believe Mum was serious. Well, I hoped not.  And so, when she came in, I pleaded again.

"Please, Mum....I'm eighteen now!"

But it still didn't work. I didn't really expect it to.

"I've punished your sister and now I'm going to punish you. Now, lie down  properly across your bed."

She put her hand onto my shoulders and pushed gently. I didn't resist.

When Mum smacks, you never know how many you will get. She just carries on until she thinks she has done what she needs to. I tried not to, but squealed after the first two or three, just like Lucy and also ended up, sobbing.

As Mum left, she called out to the pair of us, telling us to stay in our rooms until she wanted us back downstairs.

I don't know whether it was the school work I did then, or my revision during the Easter holidays, but anyway I passed my A levels with good enough grades to head off for university in September. During that Spring, both Lucy and I had been too concerned about our exams to find time for fighting. Then, our exams over, I had arranged a summer job in a cafe to earn extra money for college, while Lucy was either out with her friends or she went off to Guide camp. Plus the weather was really great that year. So it all went relatively peacefully, with nothing to report, at least for this story and it was soon September. Lucy went back to school for sixth form and I had to get ready for university. I was going to Cardiff

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