Just after team RWBY has finished initiation a massive vortex opens in the sky and a single large crystal slams deep into the emerald forest then as quickly as the vortex opens it closes Ozpin tells the students to help the teachers find where that...
(Dragonzilla POV) *i get up and I feel a small weight on my chest so I look down and I see Neo clinging to me in her sleep I chuckle and carefully escape her grasp and I leave the room letting her sleep I walk outside* (Dragonzilla) "hmmm I think I might go work on the secret project I've been meaning to start" *i head to the academy's lab and i run into professor Peach on the way there*
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(Dragonzilla) "oh hello professor Peach I was just heading to go work on a personal project" (Peach) "oh good luck and please refrain from blowing anything up" (Dragonzilla) "awwww your fun" (Peach) "Your such a child" (Dragonzilla) "and your starting to act like glynda" (Peach) "WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN" (Dragonzilla) "oh nothing do get your panties in a twist" (Peach) "just go and continue what ever you were doing" (Dragonzilla) "yes mam" *i walk away and a few minutes after glynda walks out form a classroom that is next to Peach* (Glynda) "So you have a crush on him as well that's quite surprising Peach" (Peach) "what ever do you mean Glynda" (Glynda) "haven't seen you get that flustered in a long time" (Peach) "and what did you mean "as well" has the legendary Glynda Goodwitch finally find a guy she finds acceptable has hell truly frozen over" *Peach joking gasps* *Glynda's eyebrow angrily twitches* (Glynda) "I'm not THAT bad Peach jeez" (Peach) "Glynda when we went this academy almost every boy in the academy asked you out and you denied them all of them heck you even denied Ironwood when he asked you out at our Vale festival" (Glynda) "I rejected Ironwood for a reason he was way too power hungry and hard headed and he still is" (Peach) "I cant argue with that but that's besides the point why the sudden interest in love" (Glynda) "He interests me ok" (Peach) "well I can agree with you on that" (Glynda) "and what about you Professor Peach why the sudden interest in Professor Dragonzilla" (Peach) "well I'm in a similar situation as you not many boys wanted to date me while I was a student due to my experiments with dust" (Glynda) "yes I remember when you blew up our entire dorm room because you mishandled a large box of fire crystals in fact I think there are still burn marks in that dormitory from that incident" (Peach) "anyway Professor Dragonzilla does know about my experiments with dust and actually helps me the best he can even tho he has no clue about the properties of dust" (Glynda) "hmmm we should probably educate him on dust" (Peach) "oh he's learning about dust when he's working with me he's getting a hands on experience with dust" (Glynda) "dust exploding in his face doesn't count as hands on experience" (Peach) "oh come on that's how I learned" (Glynda) "my point exactly" (Peach) "what's that supposed to mean" (Glynda) "you know exactly what I mean" (Peach) "your always soooo mean Glynda" (Glynda) "I'm just trying to prevent a massive dust explosion going off" (Peach) "like that would happen"
(Meanwhile with Dragonzilla) (Dragonzilla POV) (Dragonzilla) "hmm ok this new Grimm defense system for the academy I've been working on should be able to take down a Grimm Wyvern if one should ever attack the school" *i continue building the parts of the defense system Tim and Destanee are helping me as well* (Dragonzilla) "hey Tim hand my that large lightning Dust crystal" *Tim nods and grabs the large lightning Dust crystal before sneaking a small piece for himself after that he hands the dust crystal to me* (Dragonzilla) "Ok now to insert the lightning dust crystal" *i glance outside and see a massive storm is currently raining down on the academy* (Dragonzilla) "Damn I'm glad its Saturday but anyway let's do this" *as I'm about to put the crystal in its slot a massive lightning bolt shoots though the window hitting the dust crystal in my hand and the light continues past me to a line clock on the wall after a few seconds there's a blinding flash and I'm gone from the room* (Tim) "Huh?" *Tims hoodie seemingly smirks Wolf pleased that I'm gone*