Talking " "
Thinking ' '
Action * *
(Dragonzilla POV)
*i wake up and smile as I see the twins and Neo are still snuggling up against me the twins hugging my arms and Neo is sleeping on my chest drooling a little*
(Dragonzilla) "awww so adorable"
*i rub Neo's head which wakes her up she slowly gets up and yawns then she looks at me and smiles*
(Dragonzilla) "good morning my adorable ice cream girl"
*neo does an adorable mute giggle then the twins slowly wake up and yawn they look up at me and smile*
(Dragonzilla) "good morning twins"
(Melanie and Miltia) "morning Dragonzilla"
*the twins release my arms and stretch *
(Dragonzilla) "I'll see if team RWBY got your stuff"
*i take neo off my chest and I walk out of the master bedroom and walk into the hallway and I notice a new room has been added I walk into it and it's all night club themed the floor a dance floor and speakers in the corners there are 2 beds with multicolored sheets and a complete makeup cabinet in a corner and a small bar against the wall and on each bed is the girls clothes with their weapons on top of the clothes*
(Dragonzilla) "Miltia and Melanie come here this is your room"
*the twins run from the master bedroom and into their room they look around in wonder*
(Melanie) "this room is soo cool and look they found our weapons"
(Miltia) "ya and they got our makeup cabinet and they themed the room after Juniors club"
(Dragonzilla) "well im going to check on the other girls"
(Melanie and Miltia) "ok we'll get ready for classes"
*i nod and go check on Sienna and Ilia and I walk in to see Sienna naked and she checking on the scar from the stab wound on her stomach I quickly cover my eye Sienna looks over and sees me covering my eyes*
(Sienna) "Hello Dragonzilla thank you for healing my wounds the other day"
(Dragonzilla) "your not gonna attack me because I saw you naked?"
*Sienna walks up to me and removes my hand from my eyes and kisses me deeply*
(Sienna) "I've had a crush on you since I saw your picture in the emerald forest if you see me naked I don't mind at all~"
*i blush and I see Ilia her entire body is bright pink she is also naked her hair wet from taking a shower*
(Dragonzilla) "why am I always in these situations"
(Ilia) "I don't mind much either if you see me naked I also have a crush on you"
(Dragonzilla) "I guess I'm having a harem"
*Sienna and ilia giggle*
(Dragonzilla) "well you guys better get ready for classes"
(Sienna) "ok"
(Ilia) "do you know a girl called Blake Belladonna"
(Dragonzilla) "ya I know her"
(Ilia) "can you take me too her"
(Dragonzilla) "sure"
*illa gets dressed and we walk to team RWBYs dorm*
(Dragonzilla) "warning last time I was here I saw them all half naked because I was in their dorm until my place was made and they might hold a grudge"
(Illa) "you weren't kidding when you said that you are always in these kids of situations"
*i knock on the door and yang opens it rubbing her eyes she sees me and her hair glows yellow then she punches me hard in the chest causing me to slam into the wall behind me*
(Dragonzilla) "owwwwww....."
(Yang) "now we're even"
*illa looks at me and then to yang*
(Ilia) "he was taking me to see a girl named Blake Belladonna"
(Yang) "oh she's right here BLAKE SOMEONE IS HERE TO SEE YOU"
*blake springs up from her bed*
(Blake) "who is it"
*illa waves from the other side of yang Blake jumps out of her bed pushes yang aside and walks up to Illa and looks her in the eyes the Blake hugs illa tightly and cries into her shoulder*
(Blake) "I'm so glad you have turned to the side of good"
(Ilia) "I'm glad that we're on the same side again"
(Dragonzilla) "well I'm back to my place wanna come illa?"
(Ilia) "sure I'll see you later Blake"
(Blake) "see ya later illa"
*me and illa walk back to my place and everyone is eating breakfast*
(Sienna) "hi darling"
(Melanie) "welcome back"
(Miltia) "hi Dragonzilla"
*neo waves at us*
*i sit at the table and relax but then the ground starts to shake a little*
(Dragonzilla) "what the......"
*i walk outside and see a massive airship heading towards beacon with dozens of smaller airships*
(Dragonzilla) "something tells me the headmaster of atlas academy is here"
(Sienna) "yup that's the atlas emblem"
(Dragonzilla) "you guys wait here I'll go find Ozpin"
*i take off into the sky I pass the main airship a man in white suit watches me from the ships bridge as I land at the entrance of beacon*
(Dragonzilla) "ozpin is probably in his office"
*i walk into the school and head to the elevator I walk in and I can feel that even tho I'm on the main floor the elevator can go lower*
(Dragonzilla) "hmm interesting probably like a storage facility or something"
* I press the button to go up and the elevator goes up and opens at ozpins office and Ozpin is looking out the window*
(Dragonzilla) "hello headmaster Ozpin"
(Ozpin) "it's seems the altas headmaster is here to meet you"
*then the elevator opens and the man in the white suit from the large airship and a tall white woman who looks like Weiss*
(?????) "hello Mr Dragonzilla I'm Ironwood headmaster of atlas academy and general of the atlas military"
(Dragonzilla) "it's a pleasure to meet you"
(??????) "and I'm Winter Schnee I'm a specialist in the atlas military"
(Dragonzilla) "is your sister Weiss Schnee by any chance"
(Winter) "yes she is my sister why do you ask"
(Dragonzilla) "just wondering"
(Ozpin) "now Dragonzilla we all want to know how did you heal Mis Sienna wounds so fast and you seem to have almost limitless strength and you breath a strange fire that isn't like any I've seen before"
(Dragonzilla) "I guess I cant hide it anymore I just wanted to be treated normal"
(Winter) "what do you mean"
(Dragonzilla) "does your world believe in gods and goddesses"
(Ozpin) "yes"
(Dragonzilla) "well I'm technically a god"
(Everyone else) "WHAT?!?!"
(Ozpin) "how are you technically a god!?"
(Dragonzilla) "my parents were the Dragon goddess of creation and my father is the Kaiju god of destruction"
(Ozpin) "so you have god powers?"
(Dragonzilla) "that's why I say technically a god"
(Ironwood) "huh?"
(Dragonzilla) "you see In my dimension it doesn't matter if your the son or daughter of 2 god yes you will have a lot of extremely heightened abilities and a few powers and you can a change into different forms but you need to be a lot older to receive the main god powers such as the abilities to create living creatures and destroy worlds you see I'm extremely old with my genes from a dragon god and a Kaiju god I've lost count of how old I am but on the day I was supposed to be given my god powers my world was consumed by darkness I watched my friends and family get absorbed into the darkness then all of a sudden I tried to use my powers against the darkness then I saw cracks in the air around me and the cracks spread though out the air then it started to shatter I knew that I had done something to the fabric of my dimension as I watched everything around my shatter into crystal like chucks the last thing I remember is reality shatter around me leaving me in a crystal then I remember waking up to a girl with a hammer shattering my crystal shard I've come up with the conclusion that I shattered the fabric of my dimension and in doing that I shattered the darkness that was in my dimension you see our planet was the only one left in that dimension we had been able to hold back the darkness for awhile but the darkness had broken through our defenses that day now now I'm in this dimension and it nice to finally be in a dimension where I can actually relax and these creatures called Grimm are nothing compared to what I have fought so I can be a bit more at ease"
(Ozpin) "so you shattered your dimension to save others from the same fate"
(Dragonzilla) "that's the short answer yes"
(Ironwood) "now what would you be the god of Technically"
(Dragonzilla) "Radioactivity"
(Ozpin and winter) "radioactivity?"
(Dragonzilla) "I can manipulate the radioactivity of an object to the monocular level"
(Ozpin) "so you can make my tea into hot coco"
*my eyes glow greens and his tea starts bubbling and smoking and before everyones eyes steam starts to emit from the mug*
(Dragonzilla) "go ahead take a sip"
*ozpin takes a sip and smile*
(Ozpin) "now that is a really good cup of hot coco"
(Dragonzilla) "so when you saw me healing miss Sienna i was manipulating her molecules to help her body heal 500 times faster the normal"
(Ozpin) "Dragonzilla I want to show you something"
(Dragonzilla) "ok"
*ozpin gets up and walks to the elevator the elevator opens and we all step in then the elevator goes down past the main floor*
(Dragonzilla) "where are we going Ozpin"
(Ozpin) "we're going to see a girl and if you can heal her it would heal us greatly"
*as the elevator open we walk down a hallway I see a girl with a strange burn on her face and I feel a strange power radiating from her*
(Ozpin) "can you heal this woman"
(Dragonzilla) "open the pod and I'll try"
*ozpin nods and opens the pod*
(Dragonzilla) "warning I absorb radioactivity when i need to preform a action the requires a lot of power so if the electricity of the academy don't freak out "
*everyone nods*
*i place my hands in front of me and the girl starts to glow the lights of the academy start to flicker and the air ships outside start to lose power rapidly*
(Meanwhile In Glynda's classroom)
(Ruby's POV)
*in team RWBYs classroom Glynda was congratulating Pyhrra for defeating team CRDL with ease when suddenly the lights began to flicker and our scrolls batteries were sucked dry*
(Glynda) "everyone stay calm I find out what's happening"
*Glynda runs out of the room leaving us panicking in the room*
(Blake) "what's going on!?"
(Yang) "what ever it is I don't like it"
(Weiss) "Ruby a leader is suppose to be brave and never show fear in the presence of a situation like this"
*as she says this a light explodes above them causing Weiss to jump into Ruby's arm shaking*
(Weiss) "say anything Ruby and i will eat all of your cookies"
(Meanwhile back with Dragonzilla)
(Dragonzilla POV)
*green orbs circle around me and the woman in the pod suddenly there's an explosion which shake the entire academy and launches me and I end up embedded into the wall behind me I start to feel really out of energy and I pass out from exhaustion*
(Ozpin) "Dragonzilla are you ok"
*he feels my pulse and sighs in relief as he feels a pulse*
(Ironwood) "is everyone ok"
(Ozpin) "Dragonzilla is unconscious and embedded in the wall other then that I'm ok"
*Glynda comes down the elevator trying to see through the smoke*
(Ozpin) "Dragonzilla was trying to heal the fall maiden"
(??????) "where am i why is everything so smoky I can't see anything"
(Ozpin) "no way"
*the smoke settles and the girl from the pod is now stumbling around*
(Ozpin) "miss Amber you were attacked and you have been in critical condition for a long time this man who is currently unconscious and embedded in the wall in front of you has revived you"
(Amber) "ok is my daughter ok I left her alone to get some pancakes mix and then all I remember was being attacked"
(Ozpin) "what was her name"
(Amber) "Nora, Nora Valkyrie"
(Ozpin) "Glynda have team JNPR meet me in my office also please help Dragonzilla out of the wall"
*Glynda uses her semblance to get me out of the wall and carries me into the elevator as we all go up to Ozpin's office and Glynda lays me on the floor*
(Glynda) "My scroll is dead I'll have to get team JNPR manually"
*Glynda walks to the elevator and takes it down to the main floor and heads to the classroom that team JNPR is in*
(Glynda) "team JNPR please come to ozpins office"
(Team JNPR) "yes miss Goodwitch"
*team JNPR follows Glynda to the elevator as she about to press the elevator button Neo appears next to glynda holding a sign*
(Neo's sign) "where Dragonzilla is he ok"
(Glynda) "he's resting right now in Ozpin's office he had to use a lot of energy to heal someone"
(Neo's sign) "WHAT"
(Glynda) "just follow me"
*she walks into the elevator and the elevator slowly goes up to Ozpin's office as the door opens Neo runs out looking for me she spots me in the floor and runs to my side she checks my pulse and sighs in relief then she slowly attempts to drag me to the elevator Ironwood looks at Neo*
(Ironwood) "Neo lll be by Dragonzilla's place later on to question the ex white fang members on what they know about future white fang activities"
*neo nods and continues to drag me but the Glynda helps Neo with her semblance and takes me to my place and they place me in the master bedroom and Neo lays next to me and Glynda heads back to Ozpin's office*
(Meanwhile In Ozpin's office)
(Amber's POV)
*i look around at the 4 students that have entered the headmasters office one has a sword on his him another has what looks like dual green pistols with blades attached to them the third was a girl with red hair and had what looked like ancient armor and had a spear and shield on her hip the last looks extremely familiar she has a large hammer hung over her shoulder and a heart shaped hole in he shirt she seemed excited and keep near the boy with the green pistols blades*
(Jaune) "headmaster Ozpin you called us"
(Ozpin) "well I technically only need one of you but it's better if you all came here"
(Ren) "which one do you need sir"
(Ozpin) "Nora Valkyrie please step forward"
*Nora steps forward confused*
(Ozpin) "Nora Valkyrie meet you mother Amber Valkyrie"
*nora just stares at me before she gets an extremely pissed off looks she starts to raise her hammer at me and just as it's about to come down the blonde haired one with the shield runs in the way putting up his shield the girl with the red shield and spear barrel rolls and blocks me next to the blond Nora's hammer smashes into the shields causing sparks to fly then the boy in green tackles Nora to the ground throwing her weapon far away from her Nora thrashes around angrily Glynda an ozpin are completely dumbfounded of what just happened*
(Amber) "please let me explain Nora"
(Nora) "you have 5 minutes and if it's not good enough Ren won't be able to stop me"
*i explain that I was attacked and apparently have been here since that day in a coma like stat until that strange man from before somehow healed me*
*nora has tears in her eyes and tackle hugs me my shirt is soaking wet in seconds from tears*
(Nora) "mommy I missed you so much I'm so glad you alive"
(Amber) "like I said it's all thanks to the tall winged man"
(Nora) "you mean Dragonzilla?"
(Amber) "you know him"
(Nora) "ya is the one that broke open his crystal"
(Amber) "Crystal?!"
(Ozpin) "know what get team RWBY and Team CFVY and lets all go to Dragonzilla's cave home and we'll all explain about Dragonzilla's origins"
*we all go down the elevator and we go into a room we get team CFVY and team RWBY from their classrooms and we head to a strange looking cave with a windows at the entrance with a door*

Remnant's Dragjiu
FanficJust after team RWBY has finished initiation a massive vortex opens in the sky and a single large crystal slams deep into the emerald forest then as quickly as the vortex opens it closes Ozpin tells the students to help the teachers find where that...