Chapter 1

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Bea was fixing her school stuff when her mom, Det, knocked on her bedroom's door. "Bea, are you already done? Breakfast's ready. Male-late ka na."

"Yeah, I'm almost done!" Bea shouted from her room. "Just give me few minutes, I'm just fixing my bag."

"Make it fast, Bea!" Bea's mom shouted back. She was already pretty annoyed at her daughter because this was her third time calling her in her room. Every day, it took her almost half an hour to prepare herself and her stuff.

After Bea was done prepping up for school, she quickly made her way to the dining room to have breakfast with her parents and sibling.

"What time are you going home today?" Bea's dad asked her before he took a sip of his coffee. "Do you have training?"

Bea nodded at his dad. "Yeah. Most probably I'm here by 8 or 9, Dad."

He shook his head. "Stop with that volleyball thing, Beatriz. Just focus on your studies."

"But dad!" Bea objected. Quitting never crossed her mind. Not even once. "Volleyball is my passion."

"Hayaan mo na 'yung bata." Bea's mom butted in while tapping her shoulder. "Let's just support her."

"Thanks, mom." she said with a small smile.

Meanwhile, Thirdy was with his friends having breakfast at Mcdo before they head to school. He usually spends his time with his friends on mornings before they go to class because that was his only free time.

"Thirds, text mo nga si Angelo."

"I don't have his number, bro." Thirdy simply replied. "He changed his number 'di ba? Umiiwas dun sa chick niya."

"Here, 0919457****"

Thirdy fished out his phone from his pocket and composed a message to his friend. Little did he know, he made an error in typing his friend's number.

To: 0919467***
Hey! Where are u na? Bilisan mo! Mcdo kami.

Few minutes after, he received a message from the number that he texted.

From: 0919467****
May I know who's this?

Thirdy's forehead creased. He was so sure that his friend knew that one of them was the one who texted him, he wouldn't ask. Besides, they planned this breakfast last night.

To: 0919467****
Hoy gago si thirdy to

Shit. Wait, is this Angelo?

From: 0919467****
No, I'm not Angelo.

Thirdy suddenly felt embarrassed even though the other person didn't know who he really was.

"Hoy! Hindi naman si Angelo 'tong binigay mo na number!" Thirdy complained to his friend. "Ibang tao to!"

"Gago." His friend cursed. "Si Angelo 'yan, magkatext pa kami kagabi niyan. Baka naman mali 'yung number na tinext mo!"

Thirdy showed him the number that he texted and they compared it to the one that was saved on Carlo's phone.

Carlo laughed out loud while pointing his index finger at Thirdy. "Ang tanga mo, bro! Hindi nga si Angelo 'yan!"

"Badtrip!" Thirdy blurted out. "Nakakahiya."

To: 0919467****
Sorry. I really am. I really thought this was my friend's number.

Also, sorry about the bad words ✌🏽

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