Chapter 3

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Bea woke up with a huge smile on her lips. She was genuinely happy last night. She didn't expect that her coffee date with Thirdy would turn out great. What she had on her mind while they were on the way to the mall was their date would be awkward and all since it was their first time meeting each other. She still couldn't believe that she finally met her textmate.

"You woke up early today ah." Bea's brother, Loel, remarked.

"Had a good sleep last night eh." she simply replied as she placed some bacons and egg on her plate. "And add the fact that I wasn't tired yesterday. So yeah."

Loel nodded at his little sister. "Any plans today?"

"Nah." she replied. "You want to go to somewhere?"

"Let's go to the mall." Loel answered back. "I'm looking for a new pair of shoes eh."

"After lunch nalang tayo umalis." she said, finishing her food. "I'll just finish my homeworks."


As soon as she finished her breakfast, Bea went back to her room to work on her assignments. She usually does her homeworks on Saturdays so she would be free on Sundays.

Bea was in the middle of answering her Math homework when her phone suddenly lit, a message notification from Thirdy popped up.

From: Thirdy
Are u busy?

To: Thirdy
Not really. Why? Got a problem?

From: Thirdy
Wala naman hehe just want to talk to you

Can I call?

To: Thirdy
As in now na?

From: Thirdy

To: Thirdy

Bea quickly closed her notebook and jumped to her bed before answering Thirdy's call.

"Hello," she greeted him.

"Hi," he greeted her back. "Did I disturb you?"

"No, no." she lied. "I wasn't doing anything naman. I was staying in bed lang."

"Aren't you going out with your friends?" Thirdy curiously asked her. "It's weekend ah."

"Got plans already with my brother eh." she answered his inquiry. "How about you? No plans with your friends?"

"Got plans with my family, too." he replied. "Did you eat breakfast na?"

Bea smiled. "Yeah, I woke up really early today eh. I'm pretty sure ikaw din, lagi kayong sabay ng family mo eh."

Thirdy chuckled on the other line. "Mom would always barge in in our rooms to wake us up."

"Bea," she heard her dad knocking on the door.

"Thirds, sorry I got to go, my dad's calling me." Bea apologetically said to Thirdy.

"It's okay. I just called to check on you, Bea." he replied. "Bye, Bea."

"Bye, Thirds."

Bea swiftly got off of her bed and ran to open the door.

"Yes, dad?"

"Your mom and I will go to the grocery." Elmer informed her daughter. "Do you need anything? Toiletries?"

Bea shook her head. "I still have a lot, dad. But can you buy me gummy bears?"

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