8. Main Character

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The main character is important

A writer must have a connection with the main character.
You must know:
What will break them?
Who do they love the most?
Who do they hate the most?
What can't they live without?

There are many other things a writer must know about their character before writing about them. It is good to write down a simple template to understand every inch of the character.
I have made a handy template to help if you'd like.

Name: Age: Date of birth: Place of birth:
Hair colour: Eye colour: Skin type: Style: Hight: Body type:
Major flaws:
Major perfections:
Personality traits:
Introvert or extrovert? Early bird or night owl?

Go ahead and add more pieces of information so you're prepare dog answer any questions that may come up when speaking about the character as well as not messing up their timeline or any important traits.

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