Everything Is Going To Be Okay

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I ran into the hospital waiting room, seeing Peter sitting in the corner, staring blankly at the floor. I quickly made my way over to him, "Hey." I stated, sitting beside of him.

He nodded slightly as he glanced up at me, "First my uncle, then Gwen. Now my aunt."

"She's a strong woman, Pete. She'll make it."

He sighed and ran a hand through his already messy hair, "I know. I'm just worried."

"You have every right to be worried. You've lost two too many people. You don't need to lose anymore. And trust me, you're not going to." I told him, rubbing his back gently.

He looked over at me again before wrapping his arms around my neck. I sighed and hugged his waist tightly, "Everything is going to be okay." I whispered, rocking him gently, "Things happen for a reason."

"Too many things have happened." he muttered, shaking his head, "What have I done to deserve all of this?"

"Peter.." I mumbled, pulling away, "None of this is your fault."

He stayed quiet, running his hand down his face, "Can you do me a favor?"

"Sure." I told him.

"Can you go get me a coffee from the cafeteria?"

Chuckling slightly, I stood up and held my hand open, "I will. I just need some money."

He nodded and pulled out his wallet, handing me a ten dollar bill, "You can get one too, if you want."

"Okay. You want anything in it?"

He shook his head before leaning it against the wall behind him. I sighed quietly and looked down at my feet before making my way out of the waiting room.

Balancing the two coffees in my left hand, I pulled open the door to the waiting room, seeing Peter in the same position I left him in. I frowned slightly and quickly made my way back over to him, "Here you go."

He held his hand out without opening his eyes, causing me to chuckle quietly, "After you drink this, why don't you go on home and try to rest a bit?" I asked, handing him the coffee and his change.

"Because it wouldn't be right being in that house without aunt May in there too." he stated, finally looking over at me.

"Have you not heard anything?"

"Not since she was brought here."

I stood back up, making my way over to the window an older woman was sitting behind. She looked up at me and smiled slightly, "How can I help you?"

"Do you know anything about a May Parker?" I asked, raising an eyebrow slightly.

"She's resting up right now. They don't know the cause of the heart attack, saying it could just be one of those that sneak up on almost everyone. She's doing better, though. Just needs to rest a bit before going into a different room."

I sighed in relief, "Thank you so much."

She nodded before looking down at the papers she was looking at before I walked over. I made my way back over to Peter again, "Good news. She's doing fine and just needs to rest before being moved to a different room."

He looked up at me and let out a breath, "Thank God." he muttered, giving me a half smile.

"Now, you need to go on home and rest so you'll be full of energy when you see her." I stated, taking a small sip of my coffee.

"Who are you, my mom?" he asked, chuckling slightly, "I don't want to be there alone."

I bit my bottom lip, "Um, I can stay with you. I mean, if you want me to." I told him.

He looked up at me before standing and nodding slightly, "Please."

Slumber party at Peter's and you're all invited ;D

Stay tuned for it next chapter!

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