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***Danny's POV***

I waited for Dick to change until I noticed his brother Tim was reading a book which kinda reminded me of how Jazz acts.

"What are you reading?" I asked. Tim looked at me shocked. "What?" I asked confused of why he looked at me like that. "N-Nothing. It's just no one really asks me what I read that much. "He explained.

"Oh ok." I replied as he remembered my question we explained it to me while we talked Dick came out in casual clothes.

I didn't notice him smile seeing me talk to one of his brothers. "I see you're getting along pretty quickly." He said and I jumped a little not noticing him because I was distracted on the topic me and Tim were talking about.

"Dickie bird!" I Exclaimed as I ran to Dick and hugged him. He hugged back and said "I'm so glad you're ok Danny Spook. Umm but I kinda have a question it's about your family is it okay to ask..." He said showing that he wasn't forcing me to talk if I don't want to but I nodded.

"Well do you know what happened with your sister?" He asked. I hesitantly nodded "you do? Why didn't you ask us to help get her?" He asked again. "Jazz is safe. I have other friends that I trust enough to take care of her." I explained as Dick calmed down and sigh.

"Ok why don't we go up for now." Dick said while we went up into a huge mansion. "You live here?!" I asked shocked of how big and clean the place is. "Yep well I'm just visiting Bruce and I'll be staying here for a while but I used to live here." Said Dick.

"Why don't you go change you look like a mess." He said pointing to a room where I can change.

I came in the room and closed the door behind me and took of my shirt showing the scars the G.I.W. gave me. I looked at them remembering all the painful experiments they did.

***Dick's POV***

I waited for Danny outside and I realized how much Danny was taking. I knocked on the door. No answer. I tried again still nothing. I twisted the door knob to check if it was open and it was. I looked and saw Danny shirtless but mostly I noticed...scars..
"Danny!" I yelled shocked.

It looked like he zoned out and snapped out of it after I yelled. "D-Dick! Why didn't you knock on the door!" He asked which I assumed he didn't hear me knocking so I said "I did! Danny what...what happened?!" I asked shocked and worried what he had gone through to get those scars.

"I got it from..It's....I..." I noticed he had a hard time explaining it and looked nervous. "*sigh * it's alright just tell me when you're ready-" Danny immediately talked back after I said that. "No you already seen it and I don't want you to worry too much about it so...I..I'll tell you." He narrowed his eyes as 2 hoops of light surrounded him and both of those hoops went up and down revealing..."Phantom?" I said confused and shocked.

Danny nodded and said "It was the G.I.W. A government agency that hunts ghosts....they were the ones who killed them...killed my parents died...again...just because of me being a ghost" Danny started to tear up because his parents died again.

I hugged Danny still in his ghost form which was still weird to me but I looked through it. "Danny...It's not your fault...there was nothing you could do to stop it...I'm sorry I wasn't there for help you.." I said trying to comfort him.

"I-It's ok *sniff * thank you...thank you for comforting me...but do you accept me being a ghost??" He asked. "Of course! Why would you think I wouldn't I don't have normal friends as you can tell from my hero life." I said saying like it was obvious. (Well that's why Danny's clueless)

"Thank you for accepting me!" He said as he hugged me tighter. "No problem. By the way is it okay if I tell Bruce and the others or do you wanna tell it your self?" I said.

He looked down to the floor thinking. "Let's tell them wanna do something then reveal?" He asked knowing he meant by that I nodded.

I left him to change since he was still shirtless and when he finished we made a plan.

"You ready?" I asked Danny and he nodded. "Let's do this." Said Danny with a determined look on his face.

We walked out only to see Bruce, Damian, and Tim. "Hey." Said Danny and I just waved at them

***Duplicate Danny's POV***

Me and Dick thought of a plan to freak them out. Both the original and me are in human forms and I walked to another room to see Jason alone. "Hey." I said as I came closer to Jason.

"Oh hey shouldn't you be with Dick right now?" Asked Jason."Yeah but I didn't see Dick anywhere after I changed and I got lost..." I said to him.

"Let's ask Bruce or the others where he is." He said as he left his room and we both walked through the long hallway.

***Danny's POV***

I can tell what my duplicate was thinking and I know it's on its way. Dick and I both are talking to them until I cross my arms Dick knowing what it mean't tried so hard not to smirk luckily it didn't look like a smirk and took his phone and start to record behind his back so he can just take it out from behind when they come which is now.

"Hey have you seen- " We heard Jason ask but was cut off by his shock. That's when my duplicate came in.

"WAIT! WHAT THE *BLEEP*" Yelled Jason. "AH! THERE ARE 2 OF THEM?!" Yelled Tim confused.

That's when Dick laughed and the duplicate and I joined while we both laughed in unison which creeped the rest of the batfam out.

When we started to calm down that's when I made the duplicate disappear and me going ghost. "TA DA" I said doing jazz hands. "HAHAHAHAHA YOUR FACES WERE PRICELESS" said Dick wheezing after.

"What's going on?!" Asked Tim. "Well turns out Danny Spook here literally is a Spook aka a Phantom. That other one was one of the duplicates Danny made to freak you all out." Dick explained. 

"Well that was a way to reveal it..." Said Tim. I saw Damian at the back earlier also freaked out but was silent. "*Tt* wasn't impressive to me." He said going back to minding his own business.

"Ya sure you looked freaked out earlier." I said smirking. "Shut up." Said Damian as we all laughed and smiled.

'I may have been through a lot of pain but now I have more people with me that can help me heal my scars even if it takes a long time as long as they're by my side...' I thought to myself happy I have a new family.

(AGAIN DONE Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter it's filled with emotions idek XD)

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