chapter 2 opening ceremony and school trip

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did get out of the car and walked too the school yard i did only wait for like 5 minutes too see my classmates, new students and of course bullies....

a black white wolf did come too me and started too attack me with his fire powers
(right one on the pic)
i then recognized him while dodging. It was Arno and he was really pissed so i needed to run from him because he can do a really BIG fire explosion with his powers but after 5 seconds i got saved by a brown fox with something like shadow powers
(left one on the pic)
he did then fly away with me in a safe place and he introduced himself
'my name is Silver Velcrom, yours?

Silver' s pov
i did look aroudn but then i did see someone beeing bullied i really hate that someone gets bullied so i need to save him... 'SHADOW WINGS' black shadow wings appeared on my back and i did fly too that arctic wolf i then did fly too a safe place with him and then i introduced my self

Fireoy's pov
he sayed his name and then i sayed mine 'im Fireoy. Fireoy Wolf.'  Silver then asked me 'what power do you have? i have shadow power.'
i then widen my eyes with his power but i could just only say 'i have no power' but then Silver did widen his eyes and sayd sorry for me.
we did hear the music of the ceremony beginning we needed to run back
(after the ceremony)
i go in the class and i sit in my bench after 5 minutes the teacher did come in with Silver Velcrom and she sayed 'everyone sit down please My name is Mrs. Adrietta and welcome our new classmate Silver Velcrom, tell us about your self Silver dont be shy.'  Silver then did go a step forward and sayd
'hi everyone im Silver Velcrom and my power is shadow and i like anime.' everyone did say hello too him but exept me i did blush a little bit. i did think too my self 'maybe im gay because i kinda like Silver...' after he did sit down next too me the teacher did say too us 'so every 4 years we make a school trip' everyone did say 'yay' in the same time but the teacher did silence us 'so as i sayed we make a school trip too some caves what are the oldest caves because there was the first gem found with elemental powers what did gave us this powers. i did think too my self then' iff i get 1 of that gem i could finnaly have some powers' but the teacher sayd after that 'but no more gems are still here they all got lost or destroyed so we have luck too have powers like this but enough of the story everyone get on the bus we now drive there so dont be lazy or we leave you here'
(after we did get on the bus and had fun on it for 30 minutes we arrived at the cave)

the cave did look so amazing from the outside but we finnaly go inside of it.
(inside the cave)
it looks so dark in it so we did turn on the flashlight on our phones me and Silver did have a normal flashlight with us so we used that instead of using our phones after 5 minutes we did stop and Mrs. Adrietta sayd us 'here is the spot weare the first crystal was found and destroyed' everyone did look at that spot weare the teacher did point at exept for me because i did see a string on the ground.

???'s pov
' so if Silver will stand on the dynamite he will fall down too his death and finnaly we win'

fireoy's pov
me and silver did go further in because Mrs. Adrietta did give us 30 minutes of exploring time and before i noticed it something exploded under me Silver did try too save me but the flashlight did blind him a littlebit so he missed with his attack.

??? 's pov
i did see silver and some random wolf i need to be patient but when silver did get too that point i did explode the dynamite but the random wolf did fall down too his death i did after that ask boss to make a portal too run away

Silver' s pov
we did go inside more with Fireoy but after a little time i heard an explosion Fireoy did fall down I tryed too make a shadow rope but the flashlight did blind me and i did miss it and saw how fireoy did fall too his death...
i then heard something appear behind me but when i looked there i only saw a purple portal dissapearing then i knew that who killed Fireoy

fireoy's pov

i did feel pain over my body and i couldent move my body either i did feel something around me i did look up and saw...
I was stabbed true multiple colorful crystals. i imediently knew i was close too death i couldent even enjoy my time in life i couldent enjoy having 1 friend i couldent enjoy having a BoyFriend or a GirlFriend
but then everything got black...

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