Chapter 26

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An hour had passed and we were still in our room.

I no longer had any tears left in my body, I felt so empty inside of me except for the extreme headache.
As soon as my mother arrived I would throw myself into the car and beg her to drive as far away from here as possible. I would never visit Washington ever again, I would promise myself that.

Addy's phone vibrated in her hand.

She read through the message that she received.

"Traffic is horrible .. I may take in on a hotel nearby over the night. I will be at WUC 7 AM tomorrow morning. "

I sighed out loud. I have to get out of here!

"Why does your mother always add strange emojis in her messages?" Addy asked and showed the message that ended with a half moon and the tiger head.

I just shook my head in response. Damn it, I can't stand to be here one more night.

"Has anyone tried to reach you on your phone?" Addy asked.

"I don't know, I turned it off two hours ago." I said. The thought of that Kian might have sent me messages and apologized made me confused and angry. But the thought of that he might haven't written at all gave me an unpleasant feeling in my stomach.

"Well .. It's pretty late now so we might just try to sleep?" Addy suggested and yawnd.

"Okay .." I said and gave her a quick understanding smile. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight but I wasn't going to keep Addy awake for my sake.

Addy gave me a quick hug before she went to the bed and pulled the blanket over her. She didn't even change clothes before she lay down.

She fell asleep quickly and heavily. She looked so peaceful in her sleep with her wild curls that was spreading all over the pillow.

The thought of Ryan having sex with Addy made my blood boil whit anger inside of me.
That Erica knew about the bet made her to a bigger bitch than Anisha, at least she kept her distance and didn't try to become our friend.

But the worst one was Kian who lied to me all this time, I gave my soul and body to him for a f**cking bet in revenge of his father.

Knock, knock, knock ...

The knocks were heard again and again..
I opened my eyes and felt a sting in my neck, it hurt when i moved it. I had managed to fall asleep anyway, sitting on the bed.

Addy got up from her bed and walked whit big steps to the door. She opened it gently.

"Good morning Addelyn. Ms.Young is here to pick you up, she is waiting in the teacher's cottage." It was Mrs.Wood who talked whit her angelic voice.

I got up from the bed and pulled my hand through my hair. Finally I would leave this madhouse.

I put on my leather jacket and picked up my bag. I walked past Mrs.Wood in the doorway without saying a word to her.
Behind me, I heard how Addy apologized to Mrs.Wood before I heard her light little steps catch up with me.

"Emery .. Wait for me!"

The sun burned in my eyes when I walked on the yard. With big steps I went to the teachers' cottage.

When I arrived at the cottage I grabbed the knob and opened the door. Two steps inside the hall I was met by the most beautiful smile in the world. She wore a long skirt with a white floral blouse, her dark blond hair was laying on her shoulders and her eyes were as gray as granite.
There she was, the proof that I would probably survive this tragedy, because she had done it before. My mother Theresa Lynn Young.

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