Toxic Kiss (2pTerrornuckel)

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(Requested by EmoSanity )

2pTerroriser's P.O.V:

Report. . .experiment 101, toxicity level 10. . .spreading time, 6 seconds. I wrote down on the report sheet, I looked at several files about our past experiments. Moo is becoming stronger & stronger. . .his immune system is. . .immune to any toxicity. He recovers from wounds very quick than any others. He's. . .really cool. . .

Suddenly the door opened, and Evan's voice came, "Hey Brian!" I jumped a bit in surprise, and turned to face Evan. "Evan, you almost gave me a heart attack!" "We have a mission, we need to receive a highly toxic chemical subject. You need to break it down & make it our benefit." Said Evan. "Alright, do I need to go?" I asked. "Yea, you & Moo should be able to disarm the chemical activities." Said Evan. "Oh, alright." "Make sure to have some antidotes." Said Evan. "Yes sir." I replied, and started packing to get ready.

When I got to the car, everyone who were assigned were there, waiting. I saw Moo, and I blushed a bit. He has his lit cigarette in his mouth, and he's smoking. Leaning on the car, stylish & badass~. . .why is he so handsome? "Brian!" I heard Evan, and snapped out. I looked at him, and he said, "Staring at someone again, huh?" I blushed, and replied, "N-No I wasn't!" "Come on, let's go." Said Moo, and got in the car. Everyone else followed, and I got on, then. . .I saw a seat open, right next to Moo. I blushed, and sat down there.

Mini started driving, and Evan was talking to Marcel about the plan. Lui & Nogla were in the back talking & being loud like always. Probably Nogla is teasing Lui again. I glanced at Moo, who was looking out the window. "Um. . .M-Moo?" I asked, then he turned to me. "Yea?" "Um. . .h-how are you feeling today?" I started an awkward conversation. ". . .Not bad, just kinda worried about this mission." "Y-You are?" "Yea. . .if I'm doing it alone, then it'll be no problem, but with you? You're gonna weigh me down." He said, and I felt a bit of. . .pain from his words. "I-I promise I won't be." I replied. "Things happen, and I'm leaving your ass if you make one mistake." He said strictly. "I-I understand."

Moo can be harsh sometimes, but I know his soft side. He has been nice to me when we were working together in the lab. He made sure I'm safe from the experiment. He's just. . .so kind & sweet. On the exterior, he's tough & harsh, but interior, he's sweet, kind, & soft. It makes him very attractive. . .I. . .I really like him. . .so much.

We made it to the destination, everyone was getting off the car. When I tried to get off, my foot got caught on something, and I tripped. "Whoa!" I landed on a. . .hard & soft, warm platform? A smell of cigarette. . .I had my eyes shut, and when I opened them, I saw I was in Moo's chest! I blushed, and he said, "Be careful, you idiot." "I-I-I'm s-sorry." I replied, then Evan said, "Brian, Moo, we gotta move." "Alright." Said Moo. "Okay!" I replied. I wish I could stay longer in his arms. . .

We sneaked around the base, and found an entrance. "Alright, Brian & Moo go in from that entrance." Said Evan. "Lui & Nogla should go to that watch tower. Evan & I will break their alarms." Said Mini. "Roger." We said, and each went to the position. We waited, and once Mini & Evan did their thing, Moo & I ran to the entrance door, but it was shut. "What should we-" I was cut off by Moo kicking the door open. "No one heard that in this loud alarm. Come on." Said Moo & entered. I was blushing of how cool Moo looked! I soon snapped out & followed him.

We went through halls & securities. We went to disarm the chemical activities first. "Hurry Brian." Said Moo impatiently. "I'm working on it." I said, and tried to pour my cure potion, then we heard footsteps coming. "Oh no, someone's coming!" I said, then Moo said, "I'll take care of them. You stay here & continue." Moo went out, and I hurried to finish my work. "Ugh!" Suddenly, something stabbed my neck. I dropped my potion, and took the thing out. It was a syringe. . . I started feeling numb. . . Paralysis! I fell down, and I heard the door make a beep noise. . .auto lock? Suddenly, surrounding tubes started leaking toxic. I couldn't move. . .the cures are in my bag, but I can't use them. . .I have to move, or. . .I'm not gonna make it. . . I tried to move my muscles, I can slightly move them, but dragging.

Come on Brian! Move! I kept dragging myself to the cure I dropped. If I can somehow inject that in me, it'll save me time. Please. . .I can't die like this. . .before telling him how I feel. Almost. . .come on. . .please. . .Moo. . .I. . .I. . .

Suddenly, I heard something, like. . .explosion? "Brian!" I heard the manly voice. . .the voice belongs to my loved man. I was picked up into his loving arms. "Brian, wake up!" I looked at him, his handsome face. . .then at the potion. He looked at it, and soon grabbed it for me, then injected the potion in me. "Brian, hold on!" he said, and carried me. I tried to speak, but couldn't. . . "Fuck this place. . ." he said, and ran out, but I pinched his arm as much as I can. He noticed and looked at me, then said, "I'll get you out of here." But. . . "The. . .sub. . .ject. . ." I said weakly. "I'll get rid of it. Sorry for Vanoss, but that's what I'll do. I'm not losing you, Brian." He said, and I blushed. Does he. . .really mean it? His arms. . .it feels very comfortable. . .

I felt fresh air, we were outside. "Brian! Moo!" I heard Mini's voice. "Craig, hold Brian for me!" I was handed to Mini, and Moo ran back in. "Moo!" shouted Craig. Moo. . .

Later. . .we were back at the base. I was able to move, but a little. Suddenly, I was lifted up from the seat, I looked up, and saw Moo. H-He's carrying me again! "M-Moo, I'm fine. You need to-" "Shut up, and let me do what I want." He said, and he carried me to the lab.

In the lab, I had to inject several antidotes in Moo. "It was really a bad idea, Moo." I said. "What? I'm not weak to toxin." "But you drank a HIGHLY toxic chemical! What if you get a heart attack from overdose!?" I asked. "I don't care, as long as you're fine." He said, and I blushed. ". . .Um. . .d-did you. . .really mean it when. . .you said. . .'I'm not losing you'?" I dared to ask. I can see his face turn red. . .so cute! "T-That was-" "Moo, I know you're hiding something. You act tough & cold, but. . .I know that you're sweet & soft in the inside. . ." ". . .I'm not. . .I just. . .you're special, alright?" "I-I am?" ". . .Agh! I hate this awkward shit! Yea, you're special, cause I fucking love you, alright!?" He confessed to me! I blushed, and felt. . .so touched.

I hugged him tight. "Whoa! Hey Brian!" he said, and I replied, "I-I love you so much, Moo! I love you. . ." I felt tears in my eyes, then he hugged me back. "Stop crying, you idiot. . .I love you too." We stared at each other, then slowly leaned in. . . "Wait." He said, and I asked, "What?" "I. . .You shouldn't kiss me now, I. . .the toxic is not cured yet." He said blushing. Aww, how sweet of him to care about me. "It's okay, Moo. Your immune system is faster & stronger than anyone's. It's all cured by now, and. . .I. . .want to kiss you." I lowered my voice at the last part. He placed his hand on my cheek, and slowly pulled me closer to him. "Don't blame me if you get poisoned from the kiss." "I won't." We shared a tender, sweet kiss. This kiss. . .will be the kiss I would never forget about it. . .ever. 

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