Kittycat Jason~ (2pVanCH4Moo)

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(Requested bymummysgirl64 )

2pVanoss' P.O.V:

"So, if you ever hurt him, I will not forgive you! You got it!? And don't make him sad, or cry!" said Delirious. "Shut up! You're the one asking me, so have some respect!" I replied. Delirious asked me to take care of Jason, his brother, since he's going on a mission with Quad, and others are busy. I just happened to finish work early, so he's asking me, BUT look at this shit, he's the one asking, and he's warning me about taking care of Jason. "Please, Jason really likes you, so if he sees your violent side, he'll be scared & I might have to quit BBS. This is the only income source I have for us two." Said Delirious. "Alright, alright, so quit warning me, and no one asked about you two's resource!" "Just be kind to him. Jason likes you, thinking you're a hero or something, but you're not, we're not." "I said alright! So shut up, or I will break every bone in your body!"

Finally, Delirious shut up, and I had to think of how to babysit Jason. I'm not really good with him, but. . .I do like him. His pureness. . .cuteness. . .and just sweet as fuck. "Hey, Vanoss." I heard a voice, and turned to see, then saw Moo. "Hey Moo." "What were you & Delirious talking about?" asked Moo. "He just asked me to babysit Jason, and he was annoying me with some bullshit. Jason isn't a kid." I replied, then Moo said, "You're. . .babysitting Jason?" I looked at him, and he looked a bit angry. "Yea. . ." "You better not do shit to him." He replied. ". . .I am sick of hearing that. If you want to join me, then you're welcome." His face turned a bit red, and said, "W-Wha- are you kidding me?" "No, I'm serious. It's more FUN that way~." I said, and gave him a wink, then walked away. Hopefully, he got the message.

The day came, I went to Delirious' house, and there I saw him & Jason. "Mr. Vanoss!" Jason greeted me with a smile. "Hey." I replied. "Okay, Jason. Mr. Vanoss is going to stay with you today." Said Delirious. "Really!? Yay! I can't wait to play with Mr. Vanoss!" cheered Jason Yea. . .we'll 'play'~. "Just remember to call me if anything happens." Said Delirious. "Okay!" said Jason, then Delirious kissed Jason's cheek, and left for the mission. "Finally. . ." I mumbled, then Jason took my hand, and said, "Come on in! Have a seat!" He pulled me to the couch, and let me sit down. "Do you want any drinks, Mr. Vanoss?" asked Jason. "Hmm. . .no thanks." "Oh. . .okay. Do you want to play games?" he asked. "Hmm. . .sure we can play something." "Yay! What do you want to play?" "What did you have in mind?" "Um, I was-" "First, sit down." "Oh, alright." He sat down beside me on the couch, then I grab him by his waist, then pull him on my lap. "M-Mr. Vanoss. . ." "Now, talk." I replied with a smirk, I can see him blushing a bit~.

"Um. . .I was thinking about playing games or cooking. Jon said we can use kitchen freely, as long we clean it up." Said Jason. "Hmm. . .how about a roleplay~?" "'Roleplay'?" he asked. "Yea, I brought some stuff we could use for roleplaying." "Really?" "Yea." I pulled out a bag I brought, and took out cat ears. "Is that cat ears?" "Yup, the roleplay is that you're gonna be my cat, and I'm gonna be the owner, alright~?" I asked. "Oh, okay! This sounds exciting! I love roleplays!" he replied, and I put the cat ears on Jason. He looks so adorable already~. "Um. . .I never tried a cat roleplay before though. Am I allowed to talk?" he asked. "Nope, you can only meow~." Jason's face turned a bit red, and said, "Okay."

I put a collar, a tail & paw gloves on him, and now, he's my perfect cat~. "Meow~! How do I look?" he asked, made a nice twirl for me. "Nice, you look so cute~." "T-Thank you." He replied, and I said, "Now, you can only meow. Get on your paws & knees." "Ok- I mean, meow~." He got on his hands & knees, and crawled to me. "Good boy, now get on my lap." I said, and he climbed up on my lap, and meowed. I pat his head gently, and his blush deepened. "M-Meow~." He said, and leaned towards me. "Hmm? What's wrong?" He hesitated for a second, then licked my cheek. "What a cute kitty I have here~." "Meow~!" he smiled, and rested his head on my shoulder. "Good kitty." He said, petting him. He attempted to make a purr noise, but it sounded more like a moan, and it made me giggle a bit.

3rd Person P.O.V:

Few moments later. . . "Mmm~. . ." Delirium moans as he & Vanoss makes out. Vanoss pulled away, and said, "What a dirty kitty you are~." Delirium blushes, then meows & licks Vanoss' cheek. "Are you hungry~?" Vanoss asked, and Delirium nods with a meow. "Then you have to work for it~." Said Vanoss, and let Delirium get on his knees on the floor, then Vanoss unzips his pants, lowers his boxer, pulling out his member. "Here you go~, suck it, Jason~." Said Vanoss. Delirium blushes, and gulps, then said, "A-Are you sure?" "Hey. . .no talking, kitty." Delirium responds with a meow, then starts licking Vanoss' member, and slowly sucks on the tip. "Ahh~. . .good, Jason~." Delirium smiles a bit, and continues sucking.

Suddenly, knocks at the front door came. Delirium pulls away, and said, "Who-" "Shhh, no talking. I know exactly who it is~." Said Vanoss with a smirk, then shouted at the door, "It's open!" The door opened, and Moo came in. "Vanoss?" he asked, then Vanoss said, "In here, Moo!" Moo walks to where the voice came, and saw Vanoss & Delirium. Moo blushes a bit as he saw Delirium having cat ears, tail & paws. "What the fuck?" asked Moo. "Welcome, Moo." Vanoss smirked, and Delirium blushes, then says, "W-We are roleplaying, Mr. Moo." "Hey, I said, no talking, and continue sucking on my dick~." Delirium blushes more, then obeys, continues sucking on Vanoss' member. "Jesus. . ." mumbles Moo. "Jason, Mr. Moo is joining the roleplay, okay?" Delirium nods, and Vanoss looks at Moo, and said, "Come on over." Moo hesitated, but seeing Delirium sucking Vanoss' member, Moo couldn't help, but feel turned on~.

"M-Mmm~!" Delirium moans, as Moo had stripped his pants & brief, and started touching his ass. "Fuck~, look at that ass~." Moo says as he touches Delirium's buttcheeks. "I got some lube for you, bitch." Said Vanoss, and took out a bottle of lube from the bag & tossed it to Moo. Moo catches it, and said, "Delirious is gonna beat the shit out of you." "Not if we stay quiet~." Delirium pulls away, and said, "I-I won't tell, meow~." Vanoss & Moo smirks, then both pats Delirium, and says, "Good cat~." Delirium smiles.

"Ahhhh~!" moans Delirium as Moo thrusts in him. "Fuck~, even with all the lube, you're tight~!" said Moo. "Ahhh~, Mr. Moo~. . ." moans Delirium, then Vanoss pulls Delirium into a kiss. Vanoss pulls away, and said, "Don't leave me out, baby~." Vanoss thrusts his member in Delirium's mouth. "Mmmm~. . ." moans Delirium as he starts bobbing his head, sucking Vanoss' member. Moo stayed still to let Delirium get adjusted, then few seconds later, he starts thrusting. "M-Mmmm~!" moans Delirium. "Ahh~, good, Jason~. . ." moans Vanoss, as he thrusts in Delirium's mouth. "Fucking hell~. . ." moans Moo as he thrusts in Delirium's ass~.

"Mm~. . .mpha~. . ." Delirium moans as Vanoss pulls his member out of Delirium's mouth, his mouth was filled with seeds~. "Ahhh~!" he moans as Moo pounds him & comes. "Fuck~. . ." moans Moo, then pulls out his member out of Delirium, his hole started leaking the seeds~. "Dirty kitty~. . .it's my turn to fuck his ass~." Said Vanoss. "I'll take his mouth then~." Said Moo, and flips Delirium over. Delirium was now laying on his back, Vanoss lifts Delirium's legs, then lines his member, then thrusts in. "Ahhhh~!" moans Delirium, then Moo pulls Delirium, and puts his member in Delirium's mouth. They soon started thrusting, giving pleasure to their sweet love~.

"Fuck~! I'm cumming~!" said Vanoss, picking up his thrusting pace. "Oh fuck~!" moans Moo, as he comes. "Mmpha~!" moans Delirium, Moo pulled his member out & comes on Delirium's face. "Shiiiit~!" moans Vanoss as he releases inside Delirium. "Ahhhh~!" moans Delirium as he feels himself getting filled up~. Delirium heavily pants, swallowed some of the seeds, then the two holds Delirium close, giving him kisses & hickeys~. "Ahh~. . ." Delirium moans happily, feeling the love~. "Thanks for the invite." Said Moo to Vanoss. "Glad you got the message." Said Vanoss, and rubs Delirium's nipple, Moo rubs the other nipple~. Delirium moans, "D-Do you guys. . .ah~, l-like me?" Moo & Vanoss kisses Delirium's cheek, and replies, "We love you~." Delirium smiles, and says, "I love you guys too." The two blushes, holds their kitty close & lovingly. Three men smiles at each other, and Delirium slowly drifts to sleep~.

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