Kitty's Love Lines #1 (2pOhmcat & 2pWildnoss)

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(Requested by JessHasCookie & lunatictedd16 )

2pWildcat's P.O.V:

Ow. . .today's training was rough as always. . .Vanoss really doesn't hold back. He really. . .doesn't like me, does he? But. . .I like him. . .he always makes my heartbeat fast, and. . .I think he's. . .really. . .hot. I blushed a bit, then shook my head, sighed, and walked to MiniLadd's room to get healed. I knocked on the door, then. . . "FUCK YOU!" I jumped back a bit of surprise. "M-Mini, I didn't-" "There's no way, Tyler can do it!" Mini was talking to someone else, it sounded like Marcel, and they're talking about me? "Next mission is important, we can't let Tyler in charge of the material! He's a dumbass!" "But most of us need to be the tank, this is safer for Tyler." "No way, he's gonna screw it up like always!" I decided not to interrupt.

Mini doesn't like me, I know that, but. . .hearing it like that, really hurts. I went outside, then. . . "Wildkitty!" I turned to the voice, then Ohm hugged me. I blushed a bit, then he said, "My darling~, how are you~?" "W-Well, I-ow!" I hissed in pain as he accidentally touched my wound. Ohm pulled away, and said, "Oh no, you're hurt! Let's get you to Mini." "N-No, he's. . .busy right now." I frowned as I remembered what I heard. ". . .Wait here." Said Ohm, and let me sit down at the stairs, then went inside.

I waited for Ohm, then I saw Vanoss, his eyes met mine, and I blushed, then looked away. He walked up to me, and said, "Hey Tyler." "Y-Yes?" I asked. "Why aren't you healed yet?" "Um. . .M-Mini was b-busy." I replied. ". . .It's not your business & decision to make whether he's busy or not. We have a mission tomorrow, and if you don't get healed soon, you're just gonna pull us down." Said Vanoss. His words stabbed me. . .but it's true. I'm nothing but a letdown. "Yes sir. . ." I said, then he took my hand. I blushed, and looked at him, then he caressed my scars on my arm. ". . .You're working hard, aren't you?" he asked. "W-What?" "Heh, be proud of these scars. It's a great way of showing toughness." He said, and kissed my hand. I blushed hard, then he pulled away. "I'll see what Mini's doing. See you later." Vanoss walked inside, leaving me in a blushing mess. I shook my head, and calmed myself down. He's teasing me? Or does he. . .l-like me? N-No, don't hold hopes, Tyler.

Ohm came back, "Sorry for the wait, darling." I looked at him, and he was holding a medkit. He sat down next to me, and said, "Let me see your wounds." "O-Okay." I showed him my wounds, and he started healing me. "Evy did you pretty good, didn't he?" "Well. . .it's for training. He's not an easy opponent." I said. "Well, you like him, don't you~?" Ohm asked, and I blushed. "I-It's not like that!" He giggled, and said, "Evy can be hard & tough, but. . .he cares about you." "Ohm. . .why do you always talk about Vanoss?" I asked.

Ohm is a really good friend to me, he always talks to me, and listens to my problems. Being with him. . .feels really comfortable. My heartbeat softens, relaxed, and he is. . .very sexy. Whenever we talk, Ohm always brings up one topic, and it's always about Vanoss. He may be teasing me, but. . .it feels different. ". . .I thought you like talking about him." He said, bandaging my arm. "I do, but. . ." "But what?" Ohm finished bandaging my arm. ". . .I feel like you're hiding something. . .like your past." I. . .shouldn't have said that.

Ohm slammed shut his medkit, and it startled me. "It's not your business, Wildkitty." He said, and his words. . .really pained me. He's always so kind & loving to me, but. . . "I-I'm sorry, i-it was my fault!" I apologized. ". . .It's okay. I'm sorry for scaring you." Said Ohm, then he looked at me. I felt a bit scared. . . he raised his hand, and I instinctively shut my eyes. ". . .I'm sorry, Wildkitty." He said, then I felt soft, warm thing touch my forehead. I opened my eyes, and saw Ohm kissing my forehead, and I blushed. He pulled away, and said, "I need to go. See you again." He said, and walked away. I really screwed up, didn't I? Why did I bring up his past? I was just curious. . .if Ohm likes Vanoss too. . .I don't want to fight with him. I felt tears in my eyes.

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