Chapter 10

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-         Justin’s POV –

“Are you going to say it or not?” The volume of her voice was so loud that my ears started to hurt and I got scared. Not scared of what she could do to me, but scared of loosing her, because of what I had done to her.

I couldn’t find the words to tell her, so I kept staring at the ground over and over again. It seemed to irritate the hell out of her, but I didn’t have the courage to look into her eyes.

 I felt so guilty.

 It all started a couple of weeks ago, when me and the guys went clubbing. There were a lot of hot chicks there and any guy, I mean it, ANY GUY would get weak.

 I was actually used to hot chicks harassing me, and at some level I knew how to control it. But that night, I wasn’t really myself. We all were drunk and wasted, so I wasn’t really thinking straight.

 I wasn’t even thinking at all.

 The alcohol rushing through my body, stopped my mind from doing its proper job.

 The only part of my body that was doing its function was my dick, which only wanted to get laid.

 Then this girl came to me, and started teasing me a lot. Bad kind of teasing. What could I possibly do? I’m a guy after all.

 I don’t even know how it happened, but next morning I woke up next to her in my bed, in my hotel room, white sheets covering our naked bodies.

 I panicked at first, I have to admit. Then she woke up and she was also shocked to see me there.

 “Oh my God! What am I doing here?” I remember her saying, after she woke up. “I have a terrible headache, damn it.” She added, then looked up at me, only to be even more shocked. “Fuck, are you Justin Bieber?” She asked loudly.

 “Yeah and I have no fucking clue on how this happened. Do you mind telling me?” I answered and then another question followed my answer.

 “I don’t know. I don’t really remember anything. But I’m a huge fan, and OMG did we have sex?” She asked excitedly. She was strangely happy about that, but I sure wasn’t.

 My only thoughts in that moment, circled around Selena. How was I going to tell her about what had happened?

 “I don’t know. But this is not going to happen again.” I said certainly. Then I looked at her face expression turning sad. I honestly didn’t even give a shit about it. She ruined my life.

 “But…” She tried to question my decision and I quickly defended myself.

 “But nothing. What will Selena think about this when she finds out?” I screamed. “You ruined my life.” An even harder scream left my mouth.

 “Sorry, I didn’t mean to ruin your life.” She said as she got out of the bed with the white sheet covering her body, then she took her clothes from the floor and made her way to the bathroom.

 I got dressed, and then looked for my phone. I couldn’t find it at first, but then I saw it, hiding somewhere between the messy clothes on the floor.

 I dialed Khalil’s number, impatiently waiting for him to answer.

 “Supp man?” He said after the ringing stopped. “How was your night with that chick?” He added, a chuckle following his question.

 “Man, how the fuck did you let me do that?” I asked angrily. “You guys were all there, you could have stopped me from doing the worst mistake of my life.” I added.

 “Wow there man. Hold on. You’re blaming us now?” He said, sounding offended. “You were the one who had sex with her, not us.” He added.

 “I cheated on the girl I love.” I said, not believing my own words.

 “Don’t worry. She ain’t gonna find out if you don’t tell her.” He answered, trying to calm me down, but no use.

 “That’s the point. I don’t want to keep secrets from her.” I said, then I heard some footsteps walking around the room. I turned around and saw the girl who was quietly taking all her stuff from the ground.

 “I’ll talk to you later man” I said just before hanging up. “What’s your name?” I asked, making her look up at me and smile.

 “Catherine.” She softly said.

“I’m sorry, but I was drunk…and it’s actually the first time that I do this…” I said, making myself sound softer too.

“It’s okay, I understand. It was actually my birthday last night and it was my first time getting that much wasted.” She confessed. “I’m sorry for causing you trouble, Justin.” She added, looking down at the ground.

“In that case, happy birthday to you.” I tried to fake a smile, but failed.

She finished gathering all of her stuff and then looked at me once again. She took my phone from my hands and started writing something down.

“What are you doing?” I asked confused.

“Writing my number.” She answered, without looking up at me.

“I don’t need…” She quickly interrupted, probably knowing what I was going to say.

“I know you don’t need it, but just in case Selena finds out and she doesn’t believe that all of this happened out of our control, call me and I’d love to be your witness on telling her the truth.” She said, looking into my eyes all the time.

I could feel she was honest. I could see it in her eyes, so I didn’t argue with that. I just nodded in agreement and after giving me my phone back, she walked out of the hotel room.

I looked at my phone and saw her number registered with the name ‘Catherine’. I felt uncomfortable having her name in my contact list, because Selena might see it, so I just changed it to ‘C’. It seemed better that way.

I just hoped nobody noticed me and her leaving the club together; especially the paparazzi.

         I sighed at the horrible flashback, as I finally took the courage to look at Selena’s face. She seemed so angry and impatient, yet so pretty and adorable.

How could I tell the girl I loved, that I cheated on her, knowing that I would loose her forever? I just couldn’t.

“Justin, please say something or I’m gonna leave this house and never come back” She said, making my heartbeat faster than usual.

She couldn’t leave, no. I had to tell her something.

I had to make her stay.

“Okay, I’ll tell you.”

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