The Lake

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Father picked up the newspaper. Once again the front said another missing person, last since by the lake, and the number of the missing. "Hmph, they aut to know betta. Us kind knows wats out there. We know no to follow her." he says before taking a sip. He sets the mug down before heading out. "We uda catch sumthin today" he states before kissing me on the head and walking out the door letting it slam behind him with a thud. I take his cup to the sink and watch him get on the boat and head out from the dock. After I head into town and pick up some carrots and lettuce. Then I take a long walk by the edge of the lake. Till I see my friend by the water. "Did you see the newspaper?" she asks and I nod my head. "It's crazy you know all these people disaperrin by the lake. Makes me wanna find whats doing it you know" she says more to the water them me. As she gazes out I look out to see what she's looking at. But all that's there is calm water. I walk away further along the shoreline to hear a soft melody coming from behind me. Then it stops and I hear splashing and then nothing.

The next morning once again father reads the newspaper and once again almost the same headline is on the front page. " U'd think they auda learn not to go near the lake." He states before leaving again. As I wash his cup and watch him leave. Again I go into town and get some eggs and some spices. I walk along the edge of the lake again as a boy follows me far enough behind that I can't hear him but I can see him. I pick some roses for father and put them in the basket and some water lilies for mother and placed them in the water. Then sat on a stump and wove a flower crown every once and a while glancing at the boy. I finished and put it on with a mix of both flowers. I got up and walked away but the boy did not follow me further. Once out of view, Again I heard the melody. Then silence. Then splashing. Then silence once again.

Another night passes as the paper again reads the same line. " hmph they keep on coninuin they an't gonna have a bloodline." He states as I sit an wait. He finishes and leaves as I go clean the cup in the sink. I watch him board the vessel and leave. Once again I go to town and this time I play with the other children till they call them in for lunch. I walk down the boardwalk with all the boats. Not many are left since everyone is looking for the missing today. I sigh and look out on to the water as it's always been home to me. Night falls as they come back empty-handed sadness in their eyes.

The paper isn't here today till noon. The one that delivers them went missing and a few more too from the search party. But father didn't wait for it for he knows what it will say. I go to the store today to get my new dress as it has had all its altercations done. I put it on and get some onions and pork. After I walk on the lake's beach. A young horse racer that is looking for a horse in town sees me and follows me. As I peer back he tries to look like he's not. I look out on the still lake and past a willow tree as he hurries to not lose me behind it. There stands a grey horse soaked with water dripping from her main a Lilly pad tangled in it mud caked on her legs. He runs up and pushes me out of the way yelling " she's perfect she'll win me all my races and she's mine all mine!". He goes and jumps on her back and tangles his fingers into her main and kicks her sides driving her around in circles. " she rides like a dream" he says as I get up caked in mud now. I look at them smiling and start humming a melody and sit on a stump. Soon he stops her and tries to get off " hey what's up with this I can't get off" he yells at the horse. " Of course you can't that's the point," I tell him. Just them the horse sprints into the water with the man screaming at her to stop she hits the water full force dragging him down into the watery depths ripping him apart. I pick another water lily and wait. The horse comes back and I weave the water lily into her mane and ask " when do I get to do it, mother?" she replies in a soothing voice "soon my child. Come I'll make you some lunch", and with that, I follow her into the calm cool waters of the lake.

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