Party with dwarves

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I was ready by 6:30, even though I had taken all of the time I could possible need to get ready. Even Doctor Who couldn't distract me from my excitement of my first college party. Granted, it would be just a couple of kids in a study room, but its not like I really wanted to live the rager life.

I couldn't contain myself and started walking very slowly down the stairs at 6:45, deciding that if I was early I could hang out with Sam and Gabriel before the party.

Meg, Sam and Gabe were already in their room, all of them looking less disheveled then when I had first met them after having showered and put on actual clothes. Meg wore a leather jacket and leggings with a black shirt that read "Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite." I suppose she was a history boeuf or something.

"Hey." I said upon arrival, very aware that I was the only one wearing color. This happened to me a lot. All of my high school friends had been goth and I was always the preppy girly flower child who wore pastels and light brown riding boots.

"Hi Charlie!" Meg surprised me by hugging me tightly. I hesitantly brought my arms around her. I was a huggy person, but not usually with people I had only just met.

"Well, we might as well get going!" Gabe said, clapping his hands and linking his arm with Sam's (for which he had to reach up to accomplish.) He began to sing the Dora theme song and I happily joined him, skipping down the college hallway, attracting a couple grins and many weirded out looks from people who were "too cool for such tomfoolery."

We walked towards the Co-op where I had bought my textbooks just this morning. Two guys were waiting there.

The one with lighter hair ran up to Sam and hugged him. "SAMMY!" He crowed causing a couple passersby to giggle.

"Calm down Dean, it's only been a couple of weeks." Sam said, but he was smiling all the same.

"A couple weeks?!" Dean said dramatically. "Try the whole summer! You just HAD to take a summer semester abroad and leave me all alone."

"I don't think you were all alone." Sam said, smirking at the darker haired man in a tench coat with beautiful blue eyes. Hey, I may like the ladies, but that doesn't meant I don't appreciate beauty when I see it. Dean and his boyfriend were a beautiful couple.

"Hello Sam." He said, shaking Sam's hand, a sort of mature grace about him that balanced out Dean's immature...not grace.

"Hiya Castiel."

"Who are your friends?" The guy-- Castiel-- asked politely.

"Oh, yeah. This is Gabriel, Meg and Charlie."


"Greetings." Cas and Dean both replied, respectively.

"Where's Jo and Crowley?"

"Should be here soon." We waited around for a couple minutes, chatting aimlessly, getting to know each other a little. The shipping feels around Cas and Dean were growing and I had to contain a squeal when they held hands. They were just so cute! I caught Meg's eye and she smiled and whispered in my ear.

"You ship it, don't you?" I nodded ruefully.

"Hard not to."

"Do you have a tumblr?" We began to talk about the finer points of tumblr, fanfiction, and Vlog brothers (She was a nerd fighter as well, which caused a fangirl squeal from both of us.)

Jo (a cute blonde girl who looked like she could kick the shit out of me) and Crowley (the british guy I had met on my tour who had talked to me about Harry Potter.)

Surprisingly, Dean and I warmed up to each other and already acted like siblings after only an hour of knowing each other. The study room they had brought us to was rather unimpressive, although they assured us that we would be thankful for it during final seasons. It was an abandoned piano practice room, and I delighted that there was still a piano.

I began to play the game of thrones theme song and then a couple classical pieces by Grieg, followed by some panic at the disco. The group had gathered around me and Meg was singing softly. She had a really beautiful voice and even after the rest of the group had began to play league of legends (which in my opinion is not a good video game) we continued to sing together, grins spreading across our face.

I cursed myself for having a crush on a straight girl.

We all know how that ended last time.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2014 ⏰

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