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Jimin sat at the dinner table, poking at his food before setting the fork down. He couldn't bring himself to eat in front of Yoongi who thinks he's a pig. "Are you gonna eat sweetie?" Mrs Min asked. "I'm sorry, I d-don't feel so well." Jimin mumbled. Yoongi ate quickly, grabbing his plate and his mother's before she could even finish eating.

"Yoongi-" "I'll do the dishes." He looked his mom in the eyes, his father rolling his eyes. His mom followed him into the kitchen. "Yoongi you have guest." She scolded. "Oh please, you promised I could go to this party." Yoongi said.

"A party?" Jimin asked quietly as he entered the kitchen. Yoongi glared. "His friend throws a welcome back party every year. Maybe you could go with Yoongi." She suggested, Yoongi glaring at his mom. "No thanks, I don't think anyone would want me there." Jimin shrugged as he set his plate down.

"No, hon, I insist. It's a great way to make new friends." She said and Jimin shrugged. Yoongi's eyes were boring holes into Jimin as he glared at the boy, Jimin intimidated.

Jimin followed Yoongi up to his room, Yoongi muttering profanities under his breath. "I fucking hate you." Yoongi looked dead in Jimin's eyes. "I hate the fact your here and the fact you exist." He snarled. That hurt Jimin as a person. Especially coming from the one he found attractive. It hurt his feelings a lot.

Jimin looked down, fiddling with his sweater paws as Yoongi put on his jacket and pushed by. God it was only Monday and Jimin didn't leave the place until Sunday. He didn't know if he could do it. Jimin slowly followed behind Yoongi to go outside to his car. "Get in." Yoongi said coldly, Jimin getting in the passenger side. He looked out the window, Yoongi turning on the radio to ease the silence.

"I'm sorry." Jimin whispered, wiping a tear that rolled down his cheek. Yoongi looked at him puzzled and then back on the rode. Jimin didn't even want to go to be honest. They arrived at Hoseok's house which was larger than Yoongi's. They parked on the street, Jimin staying put. "I'll just s-stay here." Jimin whispered. "No, come on." Yoongi said.

Jimin got out the car and followed behind Yoongi to the house. They entered, Jimin getting memories when he used to go to parties every night. He doesn't want to remember them because he has a pretty explicit past before he moved. They walked into the kitchen where Hoseok was alone, making alcohol mixtures. "Why is he here?" Hoseok asked, pointing Jimin. "My mom forced me to bring him. My mom and his mom are friends." Yoongi said. "Ew." Hoseok scoffed.

"Shut up, don't be mean to him." The guy he was pretty sure was Jin said. "Aw, he's adorable." Jin gushed and walked over, pinching Jimin's chubby cheeks. "How can you be so mean to him?" Jin asked. "Because I hate him." Yoongi said bluntly, Jimin looking down. "You're such a turtle Yoongi." Jin frowned.

"Hey babe." Nayoung walked in and kissed Yoongi's lips, Jimin internally cringing. He walked out of the kitchen, wandering through the house until he made it to the back porch. He sat on the steps, looking at the pool which had a waterfall. "Woah, didn't know you were the party type." He heard Jungkook say.

Jungkook sat next to him, a red solo cup in his hand. "You look like you need this." He said handing Jimin the cup. "I don't drink but I still have a good time anyway." Jungkook shrugged. Jimin took a sip, spitting it out. "Is this-" "Coffee and vodka, yup." Jungkook smiled. Jimin internally awes because his smile was cute. Like a bunny.

Jimin set the cup down and sighed. "You seem bored, I can tell you don't want to be here." Jungkook said and Jimin nodded. And just at that, Jungkook began talking about random stuff to Jimin, Jimin rarely answering to a few things and talking.

They talked for hours, not knowing it. Jimin got there at 8 and it was now 11. "Yoongi might be looking for me." Jimin mumbled as he stood up. "Cool, you feel a little better. I mean, I'd feel terrible if someone admitted they hated me before they barely knew me." Jungkook said. Jimin just shrugged, Jungkook chuckling.

Jimin walked into the house, wandering back down the halls to the party. "There you fucking are, let's go." Yoongi said and grabbed Jimin's arm. They went to Yoongi's car, Nayoung already in the passenger seat. Jimin sat in the back, Nayoung drunkly singing what was on the radio as Yoongi drove her back to her house.

They arrived, Yoongi parking in front of her gate as they began making out Jimin stepping out of the car and walking off, who knows where. He felt grossed out by that sight. Yoongi pulled away, smirking at her. "See you tomorrow." She said as she got out and walked to her house.

Yoongi began driving to his house when he realized Jimin wasn't in the car. "What the fuck!" He yelled. As he began driving away from his house to find Jimin. Where the fuck could he have gone? Yoongi drove near downtown where Jimin had managed to make it to the park, sitting on a bench.

Yoongi got out his car and walked over to Jimin. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" He yelled, Jimin flinching as he stood up. "I could've got fucking yelled at if they found out I lost you! You could've got fucking kidnapped or some shit and I would've got in trouble for it. God, you're such a fat fuck, like what the hell Jimin!" Yoongi yelled.

Jimin stood there, feeling so vulnerable he burst into tears. He'd never felt so hated before. Yoongi got startled, Jimin shaking slightly as he cried, attempting to wipe the tears with his sleeves but the kept coming. Yoongi didn't know what to do when someone cried. When Nayoung cried he let her friends deal with her.

Yoongi hesitantly reaches over and hugged Jimin. Not a real hug but those like, y'know, quick pat on the back hugs. Jimin sniffled as he looked at Yoongi, his tears subsiding as he began to calm down. "We need to get home." Yoongi said, voice still cold. Jimin walked passed him to his car and got in, Yoongi following.

He felt a little bad inside as he drove them home, Jimin sniffling still. He didn't think he'd make him cry.

The arrived at the house and walked in. "Here's your luggage Jimin, you're room is right next to Yoongi's." Mrs Min said, seeing the tears in Jimin's eyes. "Thank you." Jimin breathed out and took his suitcase upstairs.

He entered the plain room, closing the door and setting the suitcase in the bed. He opened it up, the first thing he saw was a picture of him and his dad together at the beach. The tears began again, ignoring Yoongi's mom yelling at him next door.

There was silence before there was a knock at the door. "Come in." Jimin croaked out. Yoongi opened the door, guilt starting to flood his mind. "Jimin, I'm sorry, I was mad, okay?" Yoongi said. "I-It's fine." Jimin mumbled, setting the picture down and wiping his tears. Stupid Yoongi.

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