Hot Dog

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Jimin left the nurse's office to go to lunch, not knowing who to sit with. All he knew was he didn't want to sit anywhere near the kids from earlier. Jimin entered the cafeteria with his lunch bag nervously, receiving looks from some. He saw those mean kids and walked in the opposite direction, seeing an empty table with one person sitting at it. He wore all black and had brown hair. He was pretty cute and looked like he belonged with the popular kids, but he didn't. "Um, is this seat taken?" Jimin asked quietly. "Speak up." The boy said, not looking away from his book. "Can I-I sit here?" Jimin asked shyly. The boy shrugged, Jimin sitting next to him. "You're new around here right? Yeah they're not very accepting of newcomers." He said, Jimin swallowing his lemonade.

"W-Who?" Jimin asked. "Them." Jungkook gestured to the table with the mean girls who talked to him earlier. "I can tell." Jimin mumbled. "They're the most popular and can ruin your life." He said. "I'm Jungkook by the way, you?" He asked. "Um, J-Jimin." Jimin said quietly. "God, you're really shy. Doesn't work around here Jimin." He said, taking a bite of his food.

"Hey E-Boy, looks like you made friends with Piggy, hmm?" The one guy from earlier said to Jungkook who ignored him. He walked over to where the girls sat with 5 other guys, one being the pale one from earlier. "That's hoseok, the biggest bitch in the grade." Jungkook said. "He poured water on my seat and  made it look like I had an accident." Jimin said sadly. "Those two..." He said, pointing to the two guys holding hands and looking into each other's eyes lovingly. "The one with dark silver hair is Jin and the one with light blond is Namjoon. They're in love." Jungkook said. "Aw." Jimin mumbled. "The really handsome one is Taehyung. He has the blue hair." Jungkook said, a blush evident on his cheeks but Jimin didn't say anything about it.

"The pale one with the bright silver hair, that's Yoongi. The most popular guy. Every girl wants him but he's dating Nayoung, the most popular girl. Weird she named the group but she isn't even blonde." Jungkook said. Jimin stared at Yoongi for a little longer. He was really cute to Jimin. "Don't fall for him Jimin, he's a complete dick." Jungkook said. "And straight." Jungkook laughed. But he was so handsome, Jimin couldn't help it.

Lunch ended and the two boys parted ways for the rest of the day. Jimin wen to his next class, english. He found the class easily and walked in, spotting Yoongi in the back with Hoseok. Hoseok whispered something in Yoongi's ear, the two staring at Jimin and laughing. Jimin sat in a seat and kept his head forward, the teacher coming in. "Good afternoon class, we have a new student in the school, Jimin?" She said. Jimin raised his hand, everyone looking at him. "Why don't you come up here introduce yourself, you know, say a few things." She said.

Jimin got up and stood in front of the class, his heart racing. "Hi, I'm Park Jimin. I just moved here from Busan." Jimin said. "What did you like about it there?" She asked. "Um, my d-dad and I used to go to the beach a lot. I-It was really fun b-but my dad passed a-away a few weeks ago. T-That's why I moved here." Jimin finished, embarrassed by the tears coming out his eyes and Yoongi laughing quietly with Hoseok. "Wow, thank you for sharing Jimin. It can be really hard when stuff like that happens so suddenly. So brave for sharing." She tried comforting him as he sat down.

Jimin wiped his tears, not looking up. He hated the school and everyone at it.


Jimin's mother picked him up, surprised to see all their luggage. "I picked up all our stuff from the storage facility today. We'll be staying with my co-worker Mrs. Min in her guest house until I find us a place, okay? I promise we'll go house looking next week." She said as she drove.

'How was your day?" She asked. "Horrible." Jimin said, looking out the window. She decided not to talk to him about it if it was that bad.

"But mom!" Yoongi complained. "Hoseok's party is tonight and I can't miss it. It'll be his biggest party yet." Yoongi whined. "Well, we have guest staying so no. You remember Yujeong right? My work partner? Her and her son we'll be staying in our house and they get here today." She explained. "She has a son your age." His dad said. "You guys can be friends." He smiled. "As if." Yoongi muttered. There was a car honk from outside. "That's them now." His mother smiled. "The party!" Yoongi said. She ignored him. "Dad?!" Yoongi turned to him. He shrugged and walked out.

Jimin got out the car, gaping at the large mansion. "Yujeong!" They heard a cheerful voice. "Ah, Minji it's been a while." They hugged each other. "Hi Jimin, I know you don't remember me." She chuckled. "Gosh what was he, five when I met him last?" Mrs. Min smiled brightly as the two caught up. The door opened, Jimin looking at his shoes. "This is my, son. Excuse his attitude right now, I delayed his time at a party tonight to meet you two." She said.

Jimin looked up, his eyes widening when he saw Yoongi. "Yoongi this is Jimin." Mrs. Min said. "Hey, we met already." Yoongi smirked, shaking Jimin's hand. "Hi." jimin said,, barely audible. "He's in my english class." Yoongi said. "How splendid." His mom said as they walked inside. "Yoongi, you can go show him your room, while dinner is being made." His mother said, Yoongi rolling his eyes.

As soon as they got in Yoongi's room, he shut the door. Jimin's breath hitched when Yoongi grabbed his waist and pinned him to the wall harshly. "Listen piggy, we aren't friends. We'll never be friends. If you try to be my friend, I'll hurt you. Don't talk to me here and don't talk to me at school. If  you tell anyone you live here, I'll hurt you, got it?" Yoongi growled, Jimin nodding as his cheeks turned pink. Yoongi let go of him and walked over to his bed, scrolling through his phone. Jimin just stood there awkwardly, looking around Yoongi's room that was decorated pretty nicely. He couldn't believe this was happening.

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