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Jimin had lost more weight. He was now 115lbs and it was obvious the boy was starving. His cheeks, surprisingly, were still a little chubby but he had dark circles around his eyes. He had thigh gap which made his legs appear as sticks practically. His arms were very thin as well, you could see his bones poking out from his wrist and his fingers were small and bony.

If his shirt were to be lifted, you could see his ribcage a little and his tummy was flat. His collarbones also poked out quite a bit. He felt weak and cold all the time. He had to buy skinny jeans from the women's department because the men's didn't fit him anymore.

Yoongi was obviously very suspicious but didn't want to except the fact that Jimin was actually starving himself. Jimin put on a pastel mint green oversized crew neck sweatshirt to try and hide it and wore some black skinny jeans which only showed he was indeed anorexic.

He just tried to hide his super skinny legs by holding his arms over them and keeping them together most of the time but it was still super noticeable. Jimin styles his hair and did light makeup. He slipped on some shoes, a pair of Converse, before a jacket and slipping in his backpack.

He had his mom drop him off at school. Jimin did notice the looks he got from some students, hearing the whispers as well.

"He got really really skinny."
"Is he okay?"
"Does he have an eating disorder?"
"OMG his legs are so skinny!"
"Why did Jimin stop eating? He looked fine"
"I think he's anorexic."
"How come he stopped eating?"

Yeah, pretty much everyone was confused. Everyone thought Jimin was okay once he started dating Yoongi and acted differently towards him. Everything seemed fine but nobody knew why he stopped eating. Nobody had bullied him at all so what was going on?

Jimin put his jacket in his locker and walked to art class. He sat beside Hoseok who seemed a little shaken. "Jimin, are you doing okay?" He asked. "Yeah, why?" He asked normally. "It's just, you lost so much weight and...it's scaring everyone." Hoseok said. "I'm fine. I think my metabolism is just fast." Jimin brushed it off.

In the middle of class, the teacher got a phone call. "Jimin, your needed in the office." He said, Jimin getting a bit nervous as he stood up, whispers to continue about his drastic weight loss.

He walked down the hall and down the steps until he made it to the main floor. He walked into the office and into the principal's office. "Sit down Jimin." The principal said and Jimin sat down. "Um, I'm not sure how to start this conversation but multiple people have come to me today, scared for you Jimin. You've lost a lot of weight and right now, you're not at the weight you should be at." He said and Jimin looked down.

"What's going on?" This principal asked. "Nothing, I'm fine. It's not your business." Jimin said, irritated that people just had to tell the principal. "Obviously nothing is not okay if people have come in here, crying because they're scared for you but it's none of my business right?" The principal said and Jimin rolled his eyes.

"You can leave." He said and Jimin got up, leaving the office. He walked back to art and grabbed his backpack to head to his next class.

Lunch didn't get any better because he had multiple people coming up to him, asking why he'd stopped eating or if he was okay. It was just irritating. Jimin sat at the table, Yoongi looking at him and sighing. "Jimin, baby, we need to talk." Yoongi said. "Of it's about my weight, I don't want to hear it." Jimin said angrily. "Jimin I'm scared. You're scaring me." Yoongi said seriously.

Jimin are an Oreo and looked at Yoongi. "Still scared?" Jimin asked. "Jimin what the hell is going on with you?" Jungkook asked. "Nothing, everyone is just being so irritating and doesn't know how to mind their business!" Jimin snapped as tears welled up in his eyes. The rest of his friends just looked at him oddly.

"God, Jimin I was just seeing if you were okay." Yoongi scoffed. Jimin looked away as a few tears ran down his cheeks. He wanted to throw that Oreo back up. "Sorry." Jimin let out. Yoongi cupped his cheeks and wiped his tears. "Don't cry, I didn't mean to make you upset." Yoongi said softly.

It was late that night when Jimin started feeling faint and fatigue hit him like a brick. He could barely keep his eyes open until his phone rang.

"Hello?" He said, a bit disoriented as he swayed a little. "Jimin, can you come to the park near your house please, I need to seriously talk to you." Yoongi said quickly. "Yeah, just...just give me a second." Jimin hung up and collapsed to the floor, groaning as his vision went blurry for a few seconds.

He sat up, feeling a bit dizzy but still got up. He slipped his shoes back on and a jacket before walking to the park to meet Yoongi.

He saw him sitting in a bench and walked over, still feeling super dizzy. He sat next to Yoongi and rested his head on his shoulder. It was dark out, the stars shinning with the moon as Yoongi held him close in his arms. Jimin was falling apart and Yoongi didn't know how to put him back together.

"Jimin, Why did you stop eating again? Please tell me baby because..." Yoongi was tearing up. He didn't want to cry in front of Jimin but he couldn't help the tears that were already falling. "I-I don't want to lose you. N-Not to t-this." Yoongi shook his head.

"I guess I'm just relapsing very badly from before. I though I-I was okay. I t-thought I was finally confident w-with myself but I'm n-not." Jimin let out. "I hate myself, a lot." Jimin said, not having the energy to cry, but to feel bad for Yoongi and mostly himself.

"Jimin I love you, we all do. You're perfect. You were always perfect baby." Yoongi whispered softly, Jimin tightening his grip around Yoongi. "I love you too and I'm sorry." Jimin whispered. Yoongi didn't know if he was gonna be able to save Jimin.

Whew Chile, this is getting sad

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