What is NaGraMakMo

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We were just lounging around when the question came to us Are you doing NaNoWriMo? The simple answer was "I don't know" but digging deeper the reason we were unsure was that we had nothing to write but we wanted to do it.

So we created this.

NaGraMakMo is an unofficial spoof of NaNoWriMo and is the same in every aspect except when it comes to the actual writing portion. Instead of picking a grand word count to make you make a graphic count to reach towards

For example, if I wanted to make thirty graphics in the month of November I would need to make a graphic a day. Not so hard and as a designer, it's great practice! Nothing should hold you back this month, even if all of your graphics are premades it still counts! There are no limits for what kind of graphics either!

So ask your friends: Are you doing NaGraMakMo?

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