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Nicki P.O.V.

We all showered and brushed our teeth.we put on bikini top croptops and black leather leggings. Mine was hot pink and my house were hot pink too, Kierra's was aqua blue and so were her shoes,and NaiNai's was peach and so are her shoes.We know the boys are at NaiNai's house because they're always there.

Amir'A P.O.V.

We pulled up at my house and I unlock my door to see The boys sitting on the couch looking at the TV which wasn't on.


Kierra: Dwayne


The boys ran over to us and hugged us.Brian dragged me outside.

Brian: Where were you?

me:My other mansion.

Brian:Did you get hurt?are you okay?

me:Chill, I'm fine.

Brian:You had me worried sick.

me:You need to relax okay.I love that you were worried but I'm fine.

Brian:You left me.

Me:No I didn't I ran away from my problems.

Brian:I'm your husband.We face problems together.

Me:I know. I'm Sorry.You know I would never just got M.I.A. without telling you.

Brian:I know but you left.

me:The important thing is that I'm her now and I'm staying.

we laughed then had a makeup makeout.

Kierra P.O.V.

When me and Wayne we hugging and kissing Nicki gonna stank face me.Like bitch this morning you were all happy and hugging me but now you eyeballing me.

me:Excuse me bitch do you have a eye problem?

Nicki: fuck off.

me:Hoe next time you stank face me yo face will meet my fists.understood?

She stank faced me and I was beating her ass when NaiNai ran in.

Naomi:What the Fuck?

Me:This hoe stank faced me.

Nicki: Because you kissing my man.

me and Naomi: Say what?

Nicki:Yeah me and Wayne been fuckin around 2 week after Y'all first got together.

me:So what your basically saying is that you a hoe.

Naomi:That's what it sounds like to me.

Brian: Nai!

me:What?I wanna know when it's time to whoop some ass.

Nicki:Hoe stay out of this.

me:Slut say what?How am I the hoe when you out here sucking dicks for tips?

I started laughing because this bitch thought I would feel some type of way but I don't.

me:Oh yeah I fucked you're husband a month ago.


me:and I'm pregnant by Drake.


Amir'A P.O.V.

Everyone has got married and the pink headed bitch went M.I.A. Oh and Kierra, Nyla, and I are 9 months pregnant. Were all having triplets and our album came out. kierra married drake and we found out she wasn't pregnant the day she said she was. she only said that to make onika mad and Nicki married Dwayne. Brian and I are in love world with No problems but he's going on tour which is sad but I'm happy for him.So let's get to the good part.     

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