3 weeks L8R

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About 3 weeks later...

"How is going over there?" Tony asked Bucky.

"We've hit a wall." Bucky said.

Everyone else gathered in the Avengers break room and looked at Tony moving the joystick for the robot with Natasha and Bucky.

"And daughter and mother." Tony said.

"Tami is circling the perimeter and Natasha is interrogating her half sister." Bucky said.

"Mom has a half sister?" Adrian asked.

"Pulling up the live feed now." Bucky said and they saw Natasha interrogating her half sis.

"You know sis, it's hard for me to actually answer when there's an octopus on my arm." She said.

"It's not an octopus idiot. It's called a truth seeker, like a lie detector but you can't get out of it." Natasha said.

"Seriously? Like it'll work on me." She said.

"Maria's middle-school boyfriend, Taylor." Natasha asked.

"Paid him $14,000 to never speak to her again." She said looked confused.

"I knew it, Tina." Nat said.

"And you're welcome, she would've been with that Taylor guy instead of her Falcon husband." Tina said.

"That Taylor guy is your husband, isn't it?" Nat said.

"How did you–" She started.

"Romanoffs, aren't we just a thing. The person who we've fell in love with, every time someone says their name, our eye color changed for a split second. Yours turned green, mine turns blue." Natasha said.

"Bucky *no change* Steve *color change*" Tina said.

"That's so cool!" Peyton exclaimed.

"I'm gonna test her when she comes back." Tony said.

"Like you always do." Sam said.

"Before I met you, I had a dog. Her name was Eve, when Eve died dad told me that it was best to go on trip with mother and so I did. I thought mom was gonna keep me safe and say that everything was okay but she ignored me the whole trip. There was a man and I promised to hate that man forever but he calmed me down, taught me incredible tricks, gave me strength, and sang me a Marshallese song to bed every night. I loved him. By the end of the trip, I wished that he was my father." Tina explained as Natasha's eyes watered and looked away.

"Because he wasn't your father." Nat said.

"He was yours. Sis, you will always shine in the dark but I'll always be the dark. If you wanna find your dad, think like him." Tina said.

"Tony I need you to find Anthony Sickalis for me." Bucky said.

"Anthony Sickalis." Natasha said returning for the interrogation room.

"You know the guy?" Bucky asked.

"No, but Maria knows him. From the top of her mind to the bottom of the bed." Tina said.

"Ignore her, ask Maria about him. Find him and send us his location." Natasha said.

"No 'I love you' or 'thank you' such rude people." Tony talked to the blank screen.

"Uncle Tony has gone crazy." Naya said.

"Not a first." Steve said.

"So, Maria tell me about your ex." Tony said.

"Honestly, I can't really remember him. Just that I thought he was cute, funny, and took me on really cute dates." Maria said tiredly.

"Elephants?" Tony asked and she nodded.

"Why elephants?" Peter asked.

"It's mom's favorite animal." Peyton said.

"Hey, I found him. Anthony Sickalis, 35, blue eyes, brunette, lives in San Fransisco, and he's a doctor." Tony explained.

"Thanks Tony. By the way, we have 2 new cubs, Agent Trip and Ward." Bucky said.

"Hey." They said.

"And the Romanoffs?" Tony asked.

"Tami took Tina home and Natasha...wait, where is she?" Bucky said.

"Peyton take this and figure it out. Naya go put this in an instrument notes for trumpet." Natasha said handing papers to Ward and Trip.

"Unfortunately, our normal names are very boring and she's named us after who we remind her of." Bucky said.

"Emily, you're going with my mom." Natasha said.

"Wait, what?" Bucky stuttered.

"Yes, because I don't want to. In 3,2,–" Natasha counted.

"Bucky, let's go." Tami said entering and he left with her.

"I have to find Anthony." Natasha said.

"Good plan, I'll help you from here." Tony said.

"Got it. Send me the coordinates." Natasha said and left the house.

Tony and Natasha got Anthony Sickalis and brough him to base to interrogate him.

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