The Plan In Action

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Lucy's POV

With Ophiuchus on the loose, the situation became more complicated.

The monster was flying around, obstructing others' vision with the dust it blew everywhere.

I could hear my comrades coughing, the dust making it difficult to breathe.

It flew by me, sending a cloud of dust in my direction.

I cough violently, trying to find my breath again.

"N-Natsu..." I begin to say through my coughing.

He looks at me with a smile.

"On it."

Natsu breathes in, using his dragon's lungs to take in the dust.

I feel my breathing return to normal.

"Thanks Natsu." I say.

He gives me a thumbs up.

I look up to see Ophiuchus, which had gone farther off the ground.

"Natsu, I need you to keep an eye on Lior's mother. I'm afraid this isn't her only move. I'll handle Ophiuchus."

"Luce, don't go off doing anything too insane..." He told me, a concerned tone in his voice.

I smile.

"Don't worry. I'm not leaving you guys behind this time."

He smiles.

"Go get 'em, Luce!" He cheers.

I look at him with determination, nodding in affirmation.

We part ways as I try my best to follow Ophiuchus throughout the air.

I had to find a way to get that snake down.

I looked around, trying to find any possible method to attack this.

If only I had Libra's key... her gravity alteration could be of use at the moment.

Out of nowhere, Virgo appeared.

"Virgo?! What are you doing here?!"

"Princess, I sensed you were in danger and came to see what the problem is."

"Wha— Virgo, what can you do about Ophiuchus?!" I ask, pointing at the large snake slithering in the sky.

"I do not think I am capable of defeating such a creature... please punish me, Princess."

"For the last time, I'm not going to punish you! Now, focus. Do you know anybody who can help us with this?"

Virgo disappears.

"How am I supposed to get Ophiuchus down here?!" I yell to myself.

Suddenly, Virgo returns.

"L-Libra?!" I question, looking at the spirit that stood beside her.

"Princess, I have brought someone that could be of service."

"You do not have my key, but I will let it go just this once because you are the Celestial Dragon Slayer. However, do not expect this special treatment on a regular basis."

"Alright then. Libra, can you get Ophiuchus down to the ground?"

She nods, looking up at the huge snake.

Within seconds, her gravity alteration has it flying right to the ground.

She slams it to the ground, holding it there.

"Perfect! Now to commence my part of the operation!"

I look around till I spot her.

"Levy!" I call out.

She rushes over to me.

"Lu, why'd you call me over?" She asks me, curious of what her part in this was.

"I need you to make a puddle of water!"

She nods, knowing exactly what I was planning.

"Solid Script: Water!"

She forces to water to the ground.

"Thanks Levy!"

She smiles before running back off to fight.

With a puddle now in place, I call on the rest of my ten zodiac keys.

One by one, they begin to appear.

I would've never been able to do this so easily before.

My energy would've been drained before they had the ability to attack.

Finally, I see they're all here.

"Everyone, Libra is holding Ophiuchus to the ground. As soon as she removes her force, I need you all to attack and finish the snake off!"

"We've got you, Lucy! Just say the word!" Loke yells.

They were all prepared, wasting no time on conversation whatsoever.

"Okay... now!" I yell.

Libra disappears, everyone going in for their attacks.

Of course, I help out too.

"Roar of the Celestial Dragon!"

Ophiuchus begins to fade away.

"We did it." I say thankfully.

I'm surprised by a sudden action.

My spirits were all crowded around me in a hug.

"It's good to have you back..." Aquarius mentions.

They begin to fade away, heading back to the spirit world.

I head back over to Natsu to see how he was doing.

"Luce!" He calls.

I run the remainder of the way.

"We managed to do it. Ophiuchus is no longer an issue." I tell him.

"I knew you could do it!"

We hear a snicker from the side.

"I'm impressed. It seems I underestimated you, Lucy Heartfilia. You were able to defeat Ophiuchus after all." Lior's mother states.

I knew she was still hiding something, but I couldn't seem to figure out her tricks of hiding it.

I should probably be doing my summer reading, since it's required and all, but I'm not.

I'm almost disappointed that this story is nearing its end, but I guess when one's at its end, a new one approaches.

I'm pretty sure I'll be starting a trilogy after this, and if you guys want a teaser, please let me know :P

That's all for now! Bye!

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