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Lior's POV

When we stepped inside, I immediately looked around for the bottle in my memory.

There were so many items inside, I had no clue where to start.

Most of them didn't seem to be of use to us anyways, so it wasn't as if we got more than we bargained for.

"Look around for a small bottle with violet, transparent liquid inside." I let them know.

"Mm... I don't see it anywhere." Gray replies.

"We've come so far, so don't go giving up now." The scarlet-haired mage encourages.

Gray was right, though...

The bottle was nowhere in sight.

"Okay, okay, uh..."

I have to think for a second.

What would Lucy do?

Well, we both read a lot of books...

Maybe she'd use that knowledge to get out of this mess?


Lucy's not here...

What can I do to get out of this mess?

If only I could draw the cure to my hand.

Maybe it was possible if I amplified my illusion enough.

If it became real enough...

It just might work, but could I even pull it off?

"Lior, what are you thinking?" Erza asks me, snapping my out of my thoughts.

"I want to try something... I just need to focus."

She nods.

"Give it a shot. We'll continue searching in silence so you can focus."

I nod in response, and they continue looking around the safe.

I sit on a crate in the secure room, shutting my eyes.

In the darkness, I can almost see the cure right in front of me.

It's like it's right in my hand.

I could feel myself pushing my strength, the serum becoming more and more into my focus.

I could almost feel it.

Just a little more...

In the darkness of my closed eyes, it shone brightly.

I could feel its presence.

When I opened my eyes, it was right there, in my hand as I'd imagined.

"I didn't realize illusion magic was capable of such a thing." Erza notes, her eyes widened at the bottle now placed in my hand.

"Me neither, but I thought about the plausibility and thought I might be able to pull it off."

"I have no idea what you just said, but that was way cool." Natsu mentions.

I chuckle.

"Well, we have it in our possession. It's time to take the serum back and cure Lucy." Erza states.

We all agree, making our way out of the safe.

I was glad it hadn't been too troublesome to obtain.

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