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"wait... You were gonna pick up?" Jared asked now guilt evident in his tone and eyes.  "Of course" Leah softly said with a puppy look eye in her eye. "I wanted to know what just happened. Why didn't you respond to me?" She whimpered almost crying, Her lips quivering at the memory. 
"Baby, I'm so sorry for the way I've been acting. I was just selfish. I'm so so sorry." He croaked as he eyed her up and down before he caught her eyes "This is all my fault." he said sighing as a tear slipped from his eyes. 
"You were hurt. I understand that.. but what I don't understand is to why you didn't reply when I asked you that question" Leah said cupping his cheek.
"I know. I know. I was stupid, and over reacting and just childish. I'm so sorry Leah. D... Do you still wanna get married and have this baby together?" Jared asked holding his puppy face. 
Leah teared up even more and nodded "of course. More than anything" she replied through a breathy and shaky tone. Jared relieved deeply before pressing a kiss against her lips cupping her face in his hands as her hands cupped his hands both softly crying in each others embrace. 

"wait a minute! What did we miss?!?!" Jensen exclaimed generally confused as so where the girls and Misha as they were frowning in loss of knowledge of what went round. 
Leah giggled softly before she looked over at the others. "So. Um.. I'm gonna be on the walking dead... and Jared was trying his best to be supportive but... it... It was hard for him. Then I said that I'll still be here, we'll still be married and have this baby, just not on the same set. He just shook his head and went away... I took it as a break up... I was panicking... My anxiety went through roof... but uh.... we're still here and uh... thank god nothing happened to this baby in the accident" she said placing a hand on her non bumpy stomach. 
"Jesus! Padalecki! Did you seriously act like that in front of your future wife?" Jensen basically spoken with distaste. Jared sighed and nodded while rolling his eyes at the memory. "Unfortunately yes. I did." Jared said with admittance before he wrapped an arm around Leah and just pressed his lips against her head making her snuggle into his chest. "How am I gonna do the shooting?" Leah asked in worry. 
"We can work something out, Leah. Don't worry about it" Misha reassured "Just get your rest." Leah let out a heaving breath before she nodded "Alright. Can you please stay next to me?" she asked looking at Jared. "I was never gonna leave anyway" Jared replied before he held her hand in his and pressing it against his lips. Leah softly smiled before she felt herself drift her way to sleep. 

Jensen, Misha and the girls gave Jared a hardened glare "seriously Jared? You couldn't just stay supportive?" Daneel whispered angrily. "I couldn't control it. I don't need to apologise to you guys! Leah was the one who needed the apology. She received it and she accepted it. So.. please. Let's just.. let this go" 
"Let this go? You basically put her into anxiety pressure again!" Misha interfered with the same tone as Daneel. 
"I know! I didn't mean to! You guys know me. You know that it would have never been my intention!" Jared recoiled in reply with the same tone of voice. Jensen sighed and shook his head "Alright. Alright. At least Leah forgave him. Let's just let it be. Jared's right. It's not like he meant to do that. He was just protective... As much as I am with you and our kids" he said directing it to Daneel. Daneel locked eyes with her husband and bit her bottom lip before nodding in agreement "he's right." Daneel said shaking her head to get rid of the news that was just put on them. Everyone just stayed quiet and agreed. They would all miss her on set if she wasn't on Supernatural, so they knew how Jared felt in a way. 

Few hours of everyone staying quiet and just resting away, Doctor Green re-entered and silently went over to check Leah. 
He seen no signs of bruising or anything but with all the test results. He was right... she has a mild concussion and she won't be going anywhere for a few more days. 
Jared woke up and saw the doctor checking Leah out for any new results. "hey doc. Anything new?"
"No. Sorry Mr.Padalecki. Leah still needs to stay here for a few more days. There's  no checking out of that" Jared sighed and just bit his lower lip in frustration. "Alright. Thanks" He said before he nodded and just went back next to his fiancee. He gently grabbed her hand in his and just held it gently stroking it with his thumb. 
Leah gently opened her eyes and found Jared awake "Hey sammy bear" she sleepily said with a soft weary smile. Jared met her eyes and a smile grazed upon his lips "Hey bunny" he whispered before he got off his seat and softly placing a soft kiss on top of her lips. "How was your sleep?" he asked sweetly as one of his hand was playing with her hair while the other was holding her hand.
"It was alright. I dreamt of you. I guess that's a good enough dream" she replied to earn a soft chuckle from Jared. "Well that's good." he let out a heaving sigh through a soft sad smile "Listen. Bunny. The doctor said that it's mandatory that you stay here for a few more days. I'm sorry. I wish there was something I can do." 
Leah sighed just the same as him before she nodded "Alright. Um.. I guess... I have to call Robert and tell him what happened and see if he can rearrange my shooting then I can call the walking dead producer, Robert Kirkman, to see if my shooting can be shot in a later time."
Jared nodded "Alright. How about I'll do those for you? you can just relax and take it easy. Don't stress yourself." Jared softly said to her. Leah shook her head. "No. It has to be me. Can you hand me my phone please?" 
"Not yet! Let's just relax for now. You can call them in a few more minutes. let's just talk. Maybe about the wedding? if that'll help?" 
"oh. well. I guess you're right. Um. what do you wanna discuss first?"
"um.. Music? Live Band or DJ?"
"I prefer Band. but if you want a DJ you can get a DJ. As long as I get to pick the first dance" she said with a smirk "I always had a song in mind for it ever since I was a little girl." she finished off with a soft lip bite in shyness. 
"oh really? what is it?" 
" 'Don't want to miss a thing' by Aerosmith." 
"Jensen will approve of that" Jared chuckled. 
"well.. I'm not marrying Jensen, Am I?  Do you approve?" she asked softly. 
"I will approve anything that you say." He said while leaning forward and kissing her head again. "Alright so.. Band. First Dance- Don't want to miss a thing by Aerosmith. Uurrmm... venue?"
"Dunno. You pick that!" 
"Alright.. um.. How about.. the Cambiun Farms or Niagara Park?" 
"Niagara Park? Seriously? We can do that?" 
"Yeah we could" He said with a smile "So... Niagara Park?"
"Affirmative" Leah chuckled. Jared laughed with a cute eye squeeze and nose scrunch of his before he nodded "Alright. Niagara Park. So the church will be in, Washington Avenue Niagara. That's settled because of the venue. Caterers for the food and bar?" 
"No Idea! Babe, you deal with the businesses. I'll be fine with anything. All I need to do is just pick the dress and flowers. We just need to confide with each other. See if we agree" Leah suggested. Jared smirked "Alright. Awesome! Let's do that then. I can't wait" he said breathlessly. Leah grinned before cupping his face "Me too." They locked eyes and just quietly entranced themselves in sweet abyss and comfort before Jared had to ruin it and ask "so, what band would you like to play?"
"Jared!" Leah softly said with an eye-roll before slapping his shoulder playfully earning a laugh from him. 

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