safe departure.

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Leah walked into make up and saw Sabaa there. "Hey sabs!" Leah grinned at the brown haired beauty. Sabaa shot Leah one of her huge and pearly smiles before hugging her tightly "how's my favourite actress doing?" she asked.
"Pissed off but I'll be fine" Leah responded thoroughly.
"What?! why?! what happened?" Sabaa concernedly asked pulling away from the hug. "Since, I'm leaving for the walking dead.. the writers automatically thought that they could kill Kayla off! So.. I gave them a piece of my mind."
"Oh god! yep! Those are the supernatural writers, for you? but she's not gonna die is she?" Sabaa asked. Leah sighed a bit passive aggressively and shook her head "No. we're gonna improvise her departure" She said softly. 
"well that's good. Cause fans will go mad!" Sabaa said with a smile before pulling Leah back in a hug. Leah calmed down and smiled into the girls neck. "now come on, lets give you some badass Kayla Winchester make up" Sabaa smirked. Leah chuckled and nodded. "Yep!" 


"Alright! Let's start with Kayla's death and get it over with!" Richard spoken out "I hate sad scenes! So I decide to get the sad scenes over with" 
"Actually Richard, we're gonna improvise Kayla's departure... it's not gonna be a death" Leah said determinedly. Richard frowned in suspicion "Alright? let's uh.. Let's see what you got" Richard said curious enough to know. Sabaa who was watching what was going to happen, squeezed a hold around Misha's arm. She was nervous about what was going to happen with Kayla now. 
Leah softly smirked and went up to Jared "ready?"
"Not really" Jared said with puppy eyes. "I'm not ready to let Kayla go"
"Well good cause Sam has to be that way. Baby" Leah cupped his face "everything is going to be ok." Jared kept his tears back for the camera before he pressed a never ending kiss on her forehead. 
"Camera...." Jared stopped the kiss on Leah's head and left the room leaving her in 'Kayla's' room "and... Action" Richard finished 

Kayla was in her room placing some clothes in a duffel bag with pure determination in her eyes. Sam walked past by her room before he saw her placing the essentials...with a frown he went up to the door... "bunny? are you.... going somewhere?" He asked with confusion lacing in his eyes.
Kayla looked up with hurt tracing in her eyes. "Um.. yeah I uh... I need to go. I'm sorry" Sam frowned even more before he entered her room. "Go where?" 
"I just need to go. I don't want to... I...." 

Leah stammered.... lost of what she is about to say "DAMN IT!!" she sobbed out. "Leah?" Jared rushed over to her. "hey! what's up?!" 
"I can't think of a reason why she wants to leave!!" Leah wailed in Jareds shirt. 
"what's happening? what's going on?" Richard asked baffled and confused. 
"Leah?" Jensen concernedly said walking towards them. 
"I.... I honestly can't think of a better Idea than death" Leah huffed... her eyes watering up with unwanted tears. Jared and the others turned sober. 
"Leah... we can still give Kayla a proper departure... better than death. Remember, she's your baby.. would you kill your own baby?" Jared asked rubbing her back. He was actually about to cry himself, he doesn't want anything like this to happen...he wished she didn't accept the offer from Walking dead. Leah was struggling to let go of Kayla too to be honest but she didn't want to give her a crappy ending. 

Jared sighed and continued to hold Leah close. "Hey um.. can you do another scene? with Misha and Jensen?" he suggested. Richard facepalmed mentally before he sighed "alright. Fine. Jensen! Misha! places" 
Misha and Jensen gave each other a look before they looked at Jared and Leah with a pitiful one before they got on their marks. 
Jared took Leah to his trailer and laid her on his lap gently holding her like a baby. "Hey. I know this isn't the brightest of days. But we have to work."
"I know! I know! I'm just... I have no excuse." Leah breathed out and clutching onto Jareds shirt. Jared had no words, he just continued to hold her and sedate her just by his warmth. 
"just rest for a few minutes... take a few breaths" Jared sweetly suggested before he kissed her temples. Leah just rested into his embrace and just closed her eyes. "Anxiety is rising" she whispered before she bolted upwards and felt herself shaking.
"Leah." Jared sweetly placed his hands on her cheeks.. "baby! baby. Breath. Breath. Look into my eyes... what's your favourite drink?" he softly spoke. Leah locked her eyes with his and just relaxed immediately... "coke" she replied with a weak tone. 
"who's your favourite character from supernatural?"
"Don't have 1... I have 3..." she responded 
"and those are?"
"Dean,Sam and Cas?"
"Who's your favourite ship?"
"favourite food?"
"Good girl" he softly pulling her gently in his embrace. She let a few tears slips "sorry" she croaked. Jared rubbed her back "no need to apologise you done nothing wrong." Leah squeezed herself more into him... Jared let out an inaudible sigh before just kissing her head endlessly. "I love you." He whispered.
"I used to imagine you doing this to me when I used to have my anxiety attacks... and they always worked... and now.. it's 100 happening which is a million times better treatment" she spoken softly and weakly. Jared smiled at that "well now you have nothing to worry baby. I'm here for you physically now.. not fantasy. now come on.. what do you say we go back on set and see what we can do with this Kayla departure thing." 
Leah nodded and reached for his cheek to kiss him. "yeah.. sure." Jared continued to hold her bridal style... got out of the trailer.. and walked up on set still carrying her in his arms. 
"Jared, you can put me down" Leah said blushing and giggling. 
"I need to know how it would be like to actually take my wife in our honeymoon like this... I like it.. I'll put you down when I want to" He smirked. Leah laughed shaking her head. 

They arrived on set and they see Jensen doing a dirty blooper on Misha causing Leah to laugh and Jared too. Leah didn't let go of her fiancee now. 
"How about... Kayla gets a call from Jodie? maybe she needs help with the girls?" Leah asked Jared.
"That is actually a good exit. Come on. After Jensen is done pranking Misha, we can improvise it" Jared stated softly kissing her temple again. 

"Alright!! cut!!!" Richard exclaimed before he turned to see Jared still holding Leah bridal style in his arms "are we on our honeymoon?" Richard sassed with an eye roll. Leah giggled and blushed "told you" 
Jared smirked, kissing her forehead one last time and put her down. 
"Did you decide, Leah?" Richards tone changed into a softer one. Leah nodded "Alright!!! Let's take a break from Jensen and Misha! Jensen is too hyper active, to act with Misha!" he sighed before he turned to the moose and Leah "Jared! Leah! you're up"

Leah nodded before she went on her mark and took out Kayla's phone. 
"And! Action!" 

"Are you sure?... Ok, I'll be there. I'll do my best Jodie. don't worry about it." Kayla said with a soft smile covering her face. "Alright. Bye." 

Sam stopped half way through the hall stopping in front of his sisters room. "Hey bunny. Who was that?" he asked softly. 
"Jodie. She said that she needed another female figure to take care of Claire and Alex with her." She explained. 
"Oh. Can you handle that?" Sam asked as a joke showing a side smirk. 
"I had 2 hyper active 4 year olds. I think I can handle the girls." Kayla spoke with a smug smile. Sammy chuckled "Alright. I'm just joking bunny. You take care." 

Jared went out of character for a second as he turned deeply serious and said 

"I love you, bunny"  Kayla smiled at that before she hugged him "I love you too sammy bear" Sam smiled (Jared trying hard to not show any sadness in his eyes) as he squeezed her tight. Kayla felt like she's glued... she didn't want to let go. "um. Sammy bear, I need to start packing. they need me right away."
"Right. Sorry bunny" Sam said putting up a tight smile. "what? don't you want me to go?" Kayla asked with a curious look in her eye. "no. I don't like sharing my bunny with other people. They can find their own bunny" he said
(Jared is slowly slipping out of character) 

Leah noticed that this wasn't Sam talking but she went along 

"Well.. Jodie and Donna are struggling with 2 kids... you and Dean are not" she started to pack the bag. Jared made a sort of scoff "I have Dean as a kid"
"Yeah but you handled him most of your life! you 2 never had the chance to grow up with me or me with you!! Life sucks that way!!" Kayla said before she let a tear slip.
"Sam, I think I'm going to live with them... Jodie.. Donna.. Alex.. claire.. I'm  not coming back to the bunker just.. I don't know"
"Kayla"  Sam's voice was ever so low.
"The minute I set foot here... nothing came out good... it always had to end in blood" Kayla's voiced slowly accelerated into some cries. 
Sam frowned concernedly before he pulled her in a hug as he seen her in this state "hey... It's ok... you will call though right?"
"Of course!! Tell Dean there's pie in the freezer and that I love him, and tell Castiel that I love him with my everything" Kayla got on top of her bed so she can be eye to eye with Sam before she kissed his nose.

Sams nose lightly scrunched itself as his eyes closed "I'll miss you sammy bear." 
"I'll miss you too bunny" He gave a soft kiss on her head and just enveloped her in his arms. 

"Cut!!! Love it!! Perfect!! Next scene!!!" Richard cried out in relief. 

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