Chapter 2-- Meeting the Guy

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By: Shadow McKnight

Sup peoples? This is chapter number two. You will probably not understand it that much cuz there's a crazy part here, so yea. But the rest is ok (I think). Anyotherway, here's the next chapie! Hope you like! And I'm also changing the lady's name to Mine (Mey- ne) , Kk?

Enjoy!!! XP.


Shadow's POV*

As I walked up to Mrs. Mine's desk I noticed that the guy that I was supposed to show around was still there. Dammit!

Curse you, Mike, the principal.

"Umm, Mey..........? Mike said I'd show this kid 'round school. So.........." I just stood there, head bent down and my back to him. He stood up and walked over to where I was. "Alrighty, sweetheart," Mrs. Mine said. "I'll leave you alone now. Have a wonderful day. Goodbye!" She walked out of the office leaving me with this guy. Thank you, Mey, for leaving me alone with this dude. Note sarcasm.

"You do know I have a name, right?" he asked after a few minutes passed.

"Of course I do! I mean, duh, everybody has a name," I lied. "I obviously know your name. So no worries." I waved my hand in the air, fanning myself.

Is it just me or is this place getting hotter by the minute. Or maybe I'm just nervous about the fact that I made the mistake of saying that I know his name when in reality I don't.

And it seems that he caught that mistake, too.

"Oh, really? Then what's my name?" His name?! How am I supposed to know it when I don't even know him? And now with what he said he reminded me of that stupid Rihanna song. Oh nana, what's my name, Oh nana, what's my name.......... Damn! It's gonna be stuck inside my head for the rest of the day. Just great.

"Hello? Anyone in there?" *snap* What the hell? Oh, yea! Back to reality. Oh, wow. Now I'm thinking 'bout another song. Better than Rihanna's, though.

"Snap back to reality; Up, there goes gravity; Up, there goes rabbit--".

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Why are you singing? And what's up with you going into a daze?" he asked, shaking me by the shoulders.

"Huh? Oh, that." -Gasp- "It's your fault, mister!"

"How's that my fault?" he asked confused by my sudden outburst.

"Well, your the one who told me to tell you your name, that I clearly don't know, making me think 'bout that Rihanna song that I didn't even know I knew and that totally sucks big time. No offense, Rihanna, but its true. Then you snap your fingers in front of my face making me think again 'bout 'nother song. Good thing's that it's better than Rihanna's. And yea, it was the one I was singing just right now. By the way! It is sung by Eminem, though I don't know the name of the song, but I still like it. I know some of the lyrics and it's a rap song so it's all cool. Now get your hands off of my shoulders and wipe that stupid look off your face." Huh.......... Now I'm all hungry after all that rant. I get hungry very easily.

"Uhhh.........." After I finished saying all that, he just stared at me like I had monkeys on my face. Wait.......... monkeys on my face?! OHMYEFFINGGEENESS!!

"Please tell me that I do not have monkeys on my face." I said in a small voice.

"Ahh, you don't." Ugh, then why is he still looking at me like that.

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