{5} - |Back at the bar|

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-About an hour later-

Once the Wreckers has finished playing around and training, they all decided that now would be a good time to head down to Ol' Maccadam's Oil House for a drink.

Ratchet was acting a bit timid around these rowdy wreckers, sticking close to Wheeljack without even knowing sometimes. Bulkhead was more mild mannered, which he liked, but Seaspray was pretty much like Wheeljack. He was loud, cheerful, and always up for a scuffle.

But Ratchet couldn't help but also feel somewhat protected with the three of them around. He felt safer than he usually did when he walked alone. Maybe because there was almost no chance that someone would be dumb enough to jump a medic and three wreckers.

A few times during the walk to the bar, Wheeljack had tried unsuccessfully to flirt with Ratchet or impress him. He almost got smacked at one point because he tried to slip an arm around the medic's waist. Ratchet was annoyed by the wrecker's constant attention, but he was also quite amused by it. No one had ever given him this much attention before.

Eventually, all flirts and teases stopped when they reached the bar. The trio of wreckers fell silent for a moment, lowering their voices so that they weren't being obnoxious. Wheeljack opened the door to let Ratchet in first, no surprise there.

It was loud tonight, that's for sure. Ratchet thought he was going to go deaf if he stayed in there any longer.

Wheeljack led the group over to a table while Seaspray ordered drinks, sitting down across from Ratchet on purpose so he could admire the medic. "You come here often or naw?" He asked, a slight smirk on his face.

Ratchet raised an optic ridge, folding his hands on the table. "No, not really. Only after a hard day at work." He replied, shifting nervously in his seat. Bars made him nervous, which was why he hardly ever came to them. All these drunk bots stumbling around could pose a potential threat at any second, all they needed was something to fight about.

"Huh." Wheeljack shrugged a bit, tapping his fingers on the table. "I'm sorry about the way I acted when we first met, I was a little drunk at the time." He chuckled, rubbing the back of his helm.

Ratchet tilted his head. Did Wheeljack just apologize? That didn't seem like him at all! "Oh! Well... thank you. It's alright." He said, offering the wrecker a small smile.

"I didn't ruin my chances, did I?"

That made Ratchet freeze, a blush creeping across his face as a result. It took him a minute to compose himself before he was calm enough to speak. "I.... N-No......." He sputtered nervously.

That seemed to satisfy Wheeljack, a smile back on his face. "Alright... I was hoping it didn't.."

Ratchet gulped and pursed his dermas. Did Wheeljack truly like him or was this just all a trick? No, the wrecker wouldn't go through all this just to mess with him. And... he himself wouldn't go through all this just to please him...

Primus... he really was falling for Wheeljack. 

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