{8} - |Love you|

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-A few months later-

Another day, another headache from work. Ratchet was definitely not in the best mood as he trudged down the hall, his head pounding away with each step. Once he got into the apartment he shared with Wheeljack, he basically dumped everything onto a table and leaned against the wall.

After a few minutes, the medic was surprised that Wheeljack hadn't come to greet him yet. He couldn't feel anything through the newly formed bond, which was a little concerning.... "Wheeljack?" He hesitantly called out, looking around and waiting for an answer.

When he didn't get one, Ratchet decided to go look for Wheeljack. He searched the living room, Wheeljack's little workshop, even the washroom! And he found absolutely no trace of the wrecker anywhere. The last place to check was the berthroom, which was probably the place he should've checked first.

"Wheeljack? You in here?" Ratchet called out softly, peering his head into the berthroom. What he saw immediately made him go red in the face.

Wheeljack was laying on the berth with a bottle of engex sitting nearby and a smirk on his face. There was also a neat little gift sitting next to him amongst the folds of the sheets. "Tired?" He asked, gesturing for Ratchet to come over.

Ratchet just nodded, shaking his head a bit in disbelief as he went over to the berth and sat down. "What's all this for?"

Wheeljack moved the gift over and made some room so Ratchet could lay down next to him. "Well, I thought I'd be extra nice since I've been bugging you a lot lately. Also, you've been working pretty hard." He answered, scooting closer to Ratchet once the medic got onto the berth and laid down next to him. "Open it, sunshine."

Ratchet glanced down at the gift, sitting up a bit so he could open it. When he got the wrapping paper off and opened the lid, his spark jumped a beat when he saw what was inside.

Wheeljack grinned at Ratchet's reaction, placing a little kiss on the medic's helm. "Do you like it? I engraved it myself."

Ratchet couldn't find his voice as he stared at the small wrench in his hands. His name was engraved on one side in cursive with a heart next to it. "I.... I love it..." he murmured, looking up at Wheeljack fondly. "Thank you.."

"No problem, sunshine." Wheeljack chuckled, kissing Ratchet lightly on the lips before wrapping one arm around the medic's shoulder and bringing him closer.

Ratchet set the gift down and curled up against Wheeljack's chassis, sighing in relief when he felt his headache slowly fading away. He closed his optics and focused on Wheeljack's sparkbeat, loving every moment of this.


Sorry I haven't updated in so long! I just didn't have the motivation and I honestly forgot about this story for a little bit 😂😂

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