Poly x Male!/ Doctors Appointment

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Hai~ back from vacation and this is another request by the lovely GhostlyLil hope you enjoy!


Lui's POV

Today was a very bad fucking day. I've been trying to avoid it but in a house with 12 other people who happen to be in a relationship with you is very fucking hard. I love that they care about my health and everything but damn I'm scared as fuck.

And if you haven't guessed already I have a doctors appointment. I hate the fucking doctor. Everything about the doctors how they fucking do physicals, put a flashlight in your ears, measure you while your uncomfortable, and give you nasty ass medicine.

There isn't even anything wrong with me I'm totally fine! Well aside from the cold that's lasted for 3 days that is a bitch. But it's only a cold it's bound to pass why do I have to go anyways? So currently I'm hiding in bed refusing to leave trying every trick I can muster up to stay home.

But about that there's a problem. My boyfriends have a system they take shifts taking care of me in case one is busy with work or something else. My lover delirious had left me twenty minutes ago informing me about my doctors appointment. I'm scared as fuck and I'm just about that point where I want to cry.  So I just pull the blankets over me and cuddle into my pillow. Letting out some tears but I don't try to make it noticeable.

Then my lover (Y/n) comes in with water, medicine, and a wet rag. He places them on the nightstand next to me then tries to wake me up.

"Lui, I have medicine for you can you wake up please?" He softly said rubbing my shoulders.
I reluctantly got up. He handed me water and medicine after I had finished taking it he put a thermometer in my mouth. While we were waiting to see what my temperature was he was rubbing circles on my back and kissing me.

Once my temperature came back it was 101.3 degrees. When I had finished my water he took it and put the wet rag on my head. When he left he kissed my head and my nose and tucked me in. I had fallen asleep for a little bit but I was awoken by delirious gently shaking me awake.

"Baby Monkey its time for your doctors appointment." He cooed kissing my face. Any trace of sleep I had was gone and I tended up. I'm guessing he noticed and gently picked me up bridal style. My arms instinctively wrapped around his neck for support.

I closed my eyes the entire time when I opened them I was in the car on someone's lap. I looked up to Marcel and Nogla in the backseat. Marcel was on his phone and Nogla was petting my head. I looked at the rest of the car and I could see mini driving Delirious in the passenger seat then (Y/n) in the middle row.

I closed my eyes again and went back to sleep.

Time skippppp



When I opened my eyes I was still on nogla's lap and we were in a parking lot of a hospital. I whined and hid in nogla's chest. I felt lifted up and carried into the hospital and after delirious saying that I had an appointment nogla carried me to a hospital room. He sat me on the bed sitting next to Marcel intertwining hands, mini was laying on (y/n)'s shoulder sleeping after the car ride and delirious was on his phone.

When the doctor came in I was fucking terrified. I didn't want to be here and get this stupid shot I probably didn't need. So when the doctor came close to me with the needle full of clear stuff I ran into the bathroom and locked the door. I cried to myself out of terror needles are the worst I don't want random shit injected into me!

So after a couple of minutes of my lovers trying to get me out I reluctantly let (y/n) in. Mostly because he wasn't the type to make me do something I truly didn't want to do but try to persuade me also he's a good hugger. As soon as he came in he shut the door to let no one else in.

He came over to me and pulled me into his chest and rubbed circles on my back. After a few minutes I had calmed down he kissed me and whispered sweet nothings into my ear.

"So do you want to tell me why you ran away from the doctor?" He asked gently kissing my head.

"Babe I don't like needles I don't even need it why do I have to get it I'm perfectly fine! They're scary as hell." I nuzzled into his chest ready to start crying again.

"Well you kind of need to get one to help reduce your sickness and they may be scary but it's not going to hurt all you will feel is just a little pinch." He finished slightly pinching my cheek. I held my cheek as he giggled it didn't hurt but I'm still scared.

"Plus if it makes you feel better I'll do it with you I'll make sure it won't hurt and you won't feel a thing okay?" He asked reaching out for my hand to take. I gave him my hand and he stood up and kissed me all over my face.

"You ready love I'll be right next to you okay." He said sweetly. No I'm not ready and I never want to be but I'm going to be brave like wildcat, or vanoss for once! I'm going to go out there and take it like a pro.

When I walked out I saw all of my lovers crowding the door then (y/n) grabbed my hand and guided me to the bed onto his lap. Then he started kissing my cheek and talking to me.


(Y/n) POV

As Lui was on my lap unaware I was motioning for the nurse to get ready I kissed him on his cheek and started a conversation.

"So what do you want to get to eat after this Lui? We can get ice cream or go out to a restaurant." I asked.
I looked at my lovers and they gave me a thumbs up. Then I looked back at the nurse as she was getting closer inch by inch.

"CHEERIOS!!" He yelled in his squeaker voice earning a few laughs. A giggle from me as well.

"Babe you can't have Cheerios for dinner." I said giggling."What's something we haven't had in a while?"

"Banana?" Lui asked again in his squeaker voice causing everyone to laugh. Then I motioned for the nurse to give him the shot and he didn't even realize because he was still laughing.

"Ok Lui your all finished just put this on your arm." The nurse says handing Lui a bandaid.

"What about my shot? Not that I'm complaining no offense." Lui asked.

"I already gave you your shot while you were laughing oh and here! A lollipop for being a good patient!" She said giving him a blueberry lollipop.

He gasped in delight and took it with a thank you then I kissed his temple.

"Told you o wouldn't let it hurt you Monkey~" I said sweetly. He kissed me then I carried him back to the car where everyone cuddled Lui when we came back.


Shit sorry this wasn't exactly like how you requested GhostlyLil I'm a shit writer tbh

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