Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

“I need you to get a cloth with water and put it on his forehead. Then I will stitch up his wounds” Aragorn says while getting something out of his bag. I walk to the bucket of water that, Legolas and Gimli got, and dunk a little cloth I got from my bag, into the water. As I turn around to walk back to Sasuke, Aragorn is messing in his bag and then stitching up the wounds. I walk to Sasuke and sit down next to him.

“Don't tell me you want to take him along” I say as I put the cloth on Sasuke's head.

“We don't have a wagon, and we are still waiting for Haldir to come back” he says, glancing at me.

“Then I think we should wait here. So that Sasuke can recover and Haldir can meet us here, right?” I say.

“Right. But I do wonder what happened to this boy” Aragorn says as he finishes the stitching. Then slowly Sasuke wakes up.

“How are you felling?” I ask Sasuke. Sasuke jumps up and looks at me startled.

“What happened? Why am I here with you again? Where are those riders?” Sasuke asks, taking a step back.

“You're welcome!” I say standing up.

“The riders are gone” Aragorn says, getting up too.

“Aragorn? Where are Legolas and Gimli?” I noticed that they are not here anymore. Aragorn looks around.

“I can not say” he says, still looking around.

“But they where here just now” I say looking around too.

“Hello? The riders?” Sasuke asks. I look at Sasuke.

“They left” I say.

“Then I will have to go fined then again, I almost had them” Sasuke says starting to walk up the path.

“The riders can not die, so there is no use for you to try and kill them yourself” Aragorn says.

“I think I can kill them” Sasuke says and walks off.

“Don't answer that” I whisper to Aragorn. I watch as Sasuke walks off and then turn to Aragorn.

“Should we go look for them?” I ask.

“I don't think we have to anymore” Aragorn says looking at the forest. I look too and see Legolas and Gimli walking out of the forest with Haldir.

“I have returned with your weapons, and Firregwen, You can not join the archers, I am sorry, Lord Celeborn has refused your request, he said your skills are not good enough” Haldir says as he walks up to me.

“Great! So he thinks I am not good enough, well I think Aragorn will be able to tell you just how strong my power really is!” I say annoyed. Haldir's expression turns sad as he walks to Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli, passing them their weapons.

“Firregwen! Can't you try to be a little bit more happy every now and then?” Aragorn says glancing at me, as he takes his sword from Haldir.

“Thank you Haldir, your kindness is great.” Legolas says as he takes his bow and quiver from Haldir as well. And then Gimli get his axe and says nothing, but Haldir ignores it, glancing at me and walks to me giving me my swords. He then turns to Aragorn.

“I must leave now, Lord Celeborn requested me to go back to Lórien, so I can not stay. I wish you all a safe journey.”

“Thank you.” Aragorn says. And then he walked back into the forest.

“Alright, I don't think we will see him any time soon. Hey, what are we going to do after Bree?” I ask, turning to Aragorn. Aragorn looks at Legolas.

“Well we were supposed to stay at Bree, but I don't think we can go back there now.” Aragorn says.

“And why were we supposed to stay at Bree anyway?” I ask.

“We were not supposed to stay long but, just long enough to get what we came for.”

“And that was?” I ask.

“It was some fire thing. We just heard about it, then Legolas said we should go look for it. He said it might help Frodo. But I think the fire thing we were supposed to find was you, with your staff and wings.”

“You think?”

“I don't know but, it would explain what we were looking for, since the only fire we saw was you.” so that's why we left in the first place.

“So you found your fire, now what?” I ask.

“We go back to helms Deep.” Aragorn says and starts walking.

“Great!” I run after him. Legolas and Gimli follow and we all make our long journey back to Helms Deep.

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