Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

“My camp, your weapons” Haldir says suddenly.

“Go back and get them then” I say still trying to get away.

“Yes, I will, I’ll meet you all in bree then” Haldir says starting to walk down the path.

“Alright, bye” I say surprised. Haldir walks down the path and slowly he disappears.

“Will you let go?!” I shout at Aragorn again. Gimli walk to us.

“Let her go, Aragorn” Gimli says. Aragorn lets go and I walk off again. When I get to the other side of the bridge I look back. Aragorn is sitting at the front of the wagon and Legolas is getting up on the back. Gimli is walking to the wagon too. He gets up and sits down in the back as well. I turn around and walk to the side knowing that they will pass me. I hear the wagon approach me and then it goes by. As it's going by I feel myself fly up, I scream. I am put on the wagon and Aragorn is sitting next to me.

“hello?” I say annoyed.

“What” Aragorn says glancing at me.

“What do you think you’re doing? are you out of your mind?” I say loud and annoyed.

“No im not, thank you for asking” he says sarcastically. I stand up and want to jump off but Aragorn pulls me down again.

“Let me go already” I say getting up again. He pulls me down again and holds on. I hear Legolas giggle a little and thank god Gimli is silent. I turn my head.

“What is your problem?” I ask annoyed. Legolas turns his head quick and I turn my head back looking at the trees up ahead.

“Why do I have to stay here?” I ask still annoyed.

“Just stay, I don’t know if orcs are in this area” Aragorn says still holding on.

“What, you think I can't defend myself?” I say looking at him.

“Well, I do, but you don’t have a bow or sword do you?” he says looking at me.

“No, I have fire” I say looking away. Aragorn stays silent after that. We ride to the trees that I saw and get off the wagon.

“Cool that we still have this wagon” I say jumping off.

“What do you mean?” Aragorn asks getting off too. Legolas and Gimli are already sitting at the trees.

“Well, I took this wagon at Isengard and now we still have it. Cool right?” I say, happy again.

“I guess” Aragorn says sitting down at one of the trees. I sit down next to Aragorn.

“Can you tell me what happened in Isengard?” I ask looking at him.

“I can, but your not going to like it” he says looking at me.

“Tell me” I say.

“Alright, I will. The first night that you came and I told you to go, you remember?”

“Yes I remember, why?” I ask.

“Well that night I heard them talk. They said that Sauron had found the ring. But when Saruman asked where it was, I started to think.” he says taking a pause.

“Who is Sauron?” I ask.

“Sauron is the great eye in mordor” he says.

“And...” he continues.

“You don’t remember?” I ask.

“Well...” he goes on.

“What, what is it?” I ask. He stays silent for a moment.

“Saruman said to me that the world was going to end. I did not believe him but as he was telling me how horrid that world of Sauron was going to be, I fell like he was trying to torture me” he says looking away to Legolas and Gimli.

“That does not sound so bad, does it?” I say. He looks at me again and goes on.

“No but, how would you feel if someone was telling you in excitement how that world would be, and how all you love will be gone forever”

“I get it, I would not be happy”

“Well then, how do you think I felt?”

“Alright I get it, but what was the ting that made you so upset?” I ask still wanting to know.

“He said “All the people you hold dear will die, and you will have no choice but to do the same” then he left and a man in black came and took me out to the torture room. And as I was there, I was put in chains and that is when it started, the man tortured me in a lot of ways that I can not put in words, and then eight days later you came and helped us all out. I was happy that you came because I had given up hope” hearing all of this made me really sad.

“But now you’re back so it's all fine now, right?”

“Not really, for Saruman is still out there” he says like he is going to die right here and now.

“Well as soon as we get to bree, I hope you will feel better again” I say trying to lighten his mood.

“I hope so as well, tomorrow in the evening we should be there” he says lying down.

“I know what the face was, that I saw” I say remembering.

“You do? What was it?”

“it was Saruman, I know it” then I do the same and quickly fall asleep. The next morning we get ready and ride on. Again me in front with Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas in the back. I don’t think Legolas likes that though, cos he likes me not Gimli, right? We ride all day and then as I sit here (while it's getting dark) getting really board Aragorn says to me.

“Look, I can see it, Bree, we are there” I look up and yes, I can see it too. Aragorn rides on as fast as the horse will go, and then as the darkness of the night wants to come we enter Bree.

“Good evening, gatekeeper” Aragorn says to the man at the gate.

“Good evening, sir” the gatekeeper says back.

“Be careful sirs and miss, you never know what bad things can happen”

“We will, thank you” Legolas answers the man. We ride through the gate and I stand up looking around at all the houses and shops. I jump off and walk around looking everywhere.

“Don’t go to far, it's getting late” Aragorn calls after me. Legolas has not said much, I wonder what is with him. He did not talk to me much since I wanted to leave.

“And when you are done, go to the Prancing Pony”

“Yes Aragorn, I will” I call waving my hand. I walked through Bree and thought that it was beautiful. I looked at all the stands and all the food that people where selling. And as I walked I got to smell all the lovely smells of Bree. Then later, I walked to the tavern and looked around for my group. They where sitting in a corner of the tavern.

“What are you doing in this corner?” I asked as I walked up to them.

“You really can't see this is the only spot that we could sit at?” Aragorn asked looking around the tavern.

“Yes I guess so, did you get a room yet?” as Aragorn waned to talk Legolas cut him off.

“Yes we did, we have two rooms”

“Really? Who is sleeping where?” and then as Legolas wanted to speak, Aragorn cut in.

“You are sleeping with me, and Gimli with Legolas” Really? Who said that? Is what I wanted to say.

“Really? Who said that?” Legolas questioned.

“Hey! I was going to say that!”

“I said that” Aragorn cut in for Legolas, who wanted to say whatever he was going to say to me.

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