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If you would ask me what I been doing over the break we had from school, the answer would be pretty normal. I ended up spending a lot of it with Scott. Since what I'm calling 'near death experience,' he hasn't let me too far out of his sight. He's been more over protective than usual which is understandable. What I did find out from our fellow friend Deaton, apparently I wasn't really dead. He explained it as a 'coma like state.' What Deaton's book failed to say is that in order to unlock a True Elementals full power, they have to go through a state of death. That would have been really fucking helpful to know instead of having everyone mourn over me for 2 days.

As for the full power thing, all of the elements I could control before are stronger. Electricity has also been added to the mix. Also something I didn't even notice until Scott pointed it out, 5 tattoos are aligned down my spine. They're all circles, and in each one is an element. What I did notice is that they match the symbols I saw in the book. Probably the biggest change beside the added element is my eyes. They now change according to whatever element I am using. Orange for fire, blue for water, green for earth, gray for air, and purple for electricity.

Anyway, Scott and I did a lot of things together. He called it making up for lost time. He even took me on a sushi date since he found out how much I like it even though he hates it. He actually enjoyed it a little more this time because I introduced him to the world of cooked sushi which he did ended up liking better than raw.

Other than spending time with my boyfriend, I have also spent it with a new member of our pack. Remember the coyote we helped save from her father, Malia Tate? Scott's been helping her learn how to control herself. Stiles has been teaching her how to be human. I, on the other hand, have let her be completely herself around me. I personally love her no filter attitude. It's very similar to me which is why I think we get along so well.

One thing I did not expect to do is to go to Mexico, but here we are. Scott had been trying to get ahold of Derek for a while, but he wouldn't answer. When we went over to his loft, we found out it was empty. It wasn't really strange considering how Derek loves to go MIA. After a further look, we found it wasn't completely empty. We found bullet casings on the ground. We immediately thought that it was hunters because they have a tendency to brand their bullets. These had a skull on the side of them. A Mexican hunting family by the name of the Calaveras has this special symbol, and they have a vendetta for the Hales. So here we are, in Mexico with $50,000 for Derek Hale.

I look around the crowd of sweaty, dancing people. My eyes land the members of our pack. Malia was blending in just fine dancing among everyone. Kira, on the other hand, looked like a train wreck. Apparently, she didn't know how to dance. Makes sense considering how awkward the Kitsune is. I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I didn't even have to question it when they pressed their lips to my cheeks. I turn to look at the brown eyed boy.

He leans down and presses his lips to mine. "Showtime."

"Let's do this." I smile.

"Be careful." He warns me.

"Aren't I always." I flip my hair over my shoulders. He rolls his eyes before walking down the hallway. I go the opposite way. The goal was to meet the two guards in the middle. I take one while he takes the other. I stop when I reach a corner. I lean over seeing the two guards standing against the wall.

"Ready?" I hear Scott ask from the other hallway.

"Ready." I confirm. I make my way around the corner making my presence known. I walk closer to them. "I'm sorry. Do you know where the bathroom is?"

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