The Beginning Part 2

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After that day they met, they hung out almost every day. But the closet two in the group were Silly and Jackson. They were two peas in a pod, always together. Their houses were right across from each other. They shared a backyard and they could talk to each other from their windows.

~7th Grade~

Jackson P.O.V

I wake up and get ready for my first day. I haven't seen the girls all summer since I and Micheal went camping. I was so happy to see them again mostly Silly. She's been my friend for a while now she grown to be my best friend.

As I get dressed and walk out the door. I see an unfamiliar girl also walking towards our school. Maybe she's new? I looked at her a bit longer. She started to remind of someone but I couldn't remember. She looked at me with a bright smile and a wave. I couldn't see most of her face from the other side of the street but I could see that she was really beautiful even from all the way across the street. I waved back and got to school.

I walked in and saw Micheal. I walked up yo him and turned out lockers were next to each other. Yes! I put my books in my locker and talked with him for a while waiting for Silly and Rose.

After about 20 mins I turned around to see Rose walking towards us. And by her side was the same girl I saw while walking to school. I was in awe of how beautiful she looked. She had long curly hair that reached her waist and sparkly brown eyes you could drown in. She didn't even have any makeup on which startled me. I was also confused but went along and waved at the two. "Hey, Jackson!!" The new girl said hugging me. I politely hugged back "Hey," I said with slight confusion in my voice. I was blushing a bit not being used to such a pretty girl talking to me let alone hugging me.

She must have caught on because she said "It's me! Silly! Don't tell me you forgot about me that fast!" She said crossing her arms and giving me a playful smirk.

My eyes widened as I started to see the connections to her "Silly?!??" I said not realizing I said it out loud.

I instantly got flustered "It's nice to see you again....." I said in a shy tone. I couldn't believe that the same girl I left was the same one standing in front of me.

Silly's P.O.V

I looked up at him and smiled. We used to be the same height but now I was 5'3 and he was 5'9. I didn't think I was going to catch up with him at this rate.

I saw his cheeks turn red and giggled. He looks adorable when he's flustered. "So how was camp?" I asked

Jackson couldn't seem to speak. He looked at me and tried but couldn't. Micheal took it over for him "It was fun but it is good to be back" he said smiling. Rose looked at Micheal and kinda hid behind me. She was pretty short and Micheal was such taller so she was least that's what she told me when I asked her why she is always blushing around him.

"Cmon Rose I wanted to show you my new song!" Micheal said proudly grabbing her hand and leading her to the music room "See you two later!" He said leading her down the hall.

I looked back at Jackson's flustered face. I laughed "You looked like you've seen a ghost!" I joked. He nervously laughed "No you just look......different that's all," He said looking at me with a warm smile "But in a good way. Like a really good way" He said blushing.

I smiled brightly "You look different in a really good way too!" I joked with a soft smile. He rolled his beautiful hazel eyes and smiled back "Whatever Sil" He said chuckling. As we both walked to our first class we saw our friend we met back in 6th Grade and his name was Miles. He was a nice kid and he became part of the group and fit in perfectly. 

He ran down the hall and bumped into me. I fell next to him. We both laughed before he helped me with my stuff as I got up. "Why are you always late?" Jackson asked being curious. "I don't know I guess I press the snooze button too many times," He said with a shrug making me giggle. Since I met Miles I had a tiny crush on him but since I am now going out with Adam I don't have a chance. And plus he and Jackson are both huge flirts and players so that's not in my favor either.

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