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Ever since then Jackson had a huge crush on Silly. He would be super protective when people asked her out so when she got her first boyfriend in Freshman year, He was surprised.

Silly's P.O.V

I walked down the hall and I noticed the most popular boy in school our Adam was talking with his friends. He glanced at me and started to talk to his friends again.

He was the guy that all the girls in the school had a crush on (except me of course). He got girls to like him with his charm then dumped him like a used napkin. He never dated. He was a bigger Playboy then Jackson (Which was one at the time).

After I walked down the hall some more he left the group and called me back "Hey Sally right?" he asked me as his hands were in his ripped jeans waiting for me to go back.

I turned around and crossed my arms "It's Silly" I said rolling my eyes. I need tell people my real name tho. It's too long and seems to fancy for me. It didn't fit my personality.

He chuckled and moved closer to me "Heh Sassy one huh?" he got close to my face "I like that~" he said with a wink looking down at me.

I smirked looking up at him "You need something? Or are you just gonna stare?" I asked trying to make it clear I wasn't one of his regular admirers.

He laughs and smirked as well, his being more evil. "I just wanted to ask you on a date. That's all" he said putting his hands up like he is innocent.

My eyes widened and I looked at him surprisingly "D-Date?" I asked knowing he never asks people out. EVER!

He nods "Yeah. But if you don't want to I can understand" he said leaning on a near by locker "A pretty girl like you probably has people lining up to date you and I just cut all of them huh?" he said teasing me a bit.

I looked to the side with a pink tint on my cheeks "Sure I'll go on a date with you. ONLY IF you don't dump me right after like you do all the time. "

He nodded "You have my word" he then put his hand on his heart "Scout's honour~" he said then putting two fingers in the air.

I sighed and nodded "Fine"

After that date we started to date for about a week or so, so far. I still haven't told Jackson and I was to afraid to tell anyways. I haven't told Adam about Myles either.

Today I decided to tell him. "Ok babe your about to meet my best friend just act cool ok?" I said hold both of his hands looking up at him with a hopeful smile.

"Baby calm down it's gonna be fine ok?" he said pecking my forehead and walking with over to Jackson's locker. "If anything you should be warning them." he winked at me as we walked.

I giggled and walked with him "Fine if you say so". I approached his locker and tapped on his shoulder "Hey Jackson! I have someone to show you" I said with a chuckle.

Jackson's P.O.V

I put my stuff in my locker as I hear a familiar voice. I smile closing my locker and turn to see my beautiful best friend. Her smile forces me do the same and makes my day. I so glad she's even my friend.

"Hey Sil" I said happily "What's up?" I said as I stare into her eyes and zone out. She talks and I see her mouth move but I don't pay attention to a word she says until she says the word 'Boyfriend'

I shake my head "Huh? Boyfriend?" I asked in a surprised voice seeing if my ears are lying or not.

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