Best Friend

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Anaya's POV

" What did you guys think about Gina's wedding?" Tasha asked us.

" Think what?" I asked her.

" Will you guys attend the wedding ceremony?" She asked us.

" Yeah, I think we should." I said looking at Cindy.

" If only Steve agrees with that." I said and they sighed deeply

" Even if everyone agrees I can't trouble. I am not sure if I can attend the wedding or not. I will try but if Josh doesn't want me to go then I literally can't do anything here." RD said and I nodded.

" Yes, it's better if you don't go. You have to be careful now. You are more sensitive now. Josh knows better what is good for you and the kid." I said to her and she sighed.

" This why you don't want to have a doctor as husband. They will snatch your freedom. Don't do that, don't eat this, don't sleep like that, you have to eat this or that. I mean who follows that much rules. Even Stella doesn't maintain that much rules." RD said.

" Because she has got a full-time job now as she has to take care of her family specially Tris." I said to her. I miss Stella. But she can't be here all the time. She has her family now. A family which is completely depended on her.

" Yeah. She is active 24/7. I can't believe Stella has changed like that. The same Stella who was a carefree and chill girl. She has become matured now." Cindy said.

" I am happy that Flynn got a girl like Stella. Otherwise it would be hard to bring that stupid back to life again. Stella did that job perfectly. She deserves a Nobel for that. She literally does. If you ask me why Stella is the best here I will say that she has the capacity of making Flynn Campbell go on his knees. This is what makes her the most successful here. No one dares to mess up with Flynn Campbell. You all know my brother is a certified evil here. But our Stella got him good." Tasha said and we laughed.

" Correct. Stella will make him understand that. We don't have to worry." RD said.

" Stella will. This is just starting of their married life. They still have millions of miles to walk together with each other. They will learn from the mistakes. Because without mistakes life will be so boring." Cindy said.

" Yeah, this why you keep making mistakes all the time, right?" Tasha asked her.

" Errrrrr....I am still a kid. Not considering me here." Cindy said and I chuckled.

Cindy keeps acting like a kid. Well, she is the youngest among all of us. Though she is married now she needs time to settle her brain in that. She is too much emotional sometimes. I think Steve is the perfect one for her. She got her perfect match. Steve will keep helping her to get used to with her life.

" She will eventually learn." I said.

" If not there is Steve to make her learn things. No worries." Bella said. I chuckled.

" What will he make me learn? He himself is a kid yet." Cindy said.

" That's great. Both kids have got married and now they will have kids. A family full of kids." I said.

" Ann!!!" She said and I chuckled.

" Why didn't you call me Anaya this time?" I asked her. She rolled her eyes.

"  Come on call me Anaya. I miss that." I said and she glared at me which didn't work at all on me. Because I kept laughing looking at her irritating face.

" I don't know why you are my best friend. I hate you." She said

" I love you too, Baby." I said throwing a flying kiss to her.

" You...." She stopped as RD started to whine.

" My ice cream." RD said and I chuckled.

" Girl!! Why are you trying to get us killed like that?" Bella said.

" Please, just once." She said.

" Ok. Call Josh to bring her some ice cream." Cindy said. " No one will take the responsibility of her craving."

" Why are you guys so cruel? You guys are my friends. Why are you taking his side like that?" RD asked us

" Because he knows better what is good for you." I said.

" Well, I ordered for pizza. May be it arrived already. If you want that then come with us." Bella said.

" I don't want that." RD said.

" Alright if you say so." She said. "Tasha, let's go have pizza. RD doesn't want it anyways."

" No. I want it." She squealed and I sighed.

" Yeah, take her." I said.

" I hate you." She said and I chuckled.

" Yes, I love you too." I said and she rolled her eyes going out of there.

I looked at Cindy and she was very tensed about something.

" What's wrong, girl?" I asked her.

" I don't know. I am very worried you know." She said.

" About what?" I asked her.

" About Gina. God knows how Steve reacts seeing her when she goes to meet him." Cindy said. I sighed. " He literally can't stand her for a second."

" I can understand." I said.

" Should I talk to him about this?" She asked me.

" Not with him but you can talk to Patrick. May be he can handle." I said and she nodded.

She called Patrick and told him everything. May be he assured her that he will take care of it. This is why she was a bit relaxed.

" I am still upset that Gina still doesn't talk to her parents." She said.

" Don't you think it's result of their misdeeds? You forgot how Clara has suffered for them? I think she has taken a right decision. Because if they get a chance they will bring Williams out of jail again." I said.

" But this time they will not be able to harm us. Because he will see his end if he tries to reach us." Cindy said. " I should have shoot him before." She gritted and I chuckled.

" Relax." I said. She sighed.

" Are you going to attend the wedding?" She asked me.

" If only you guys attend the wedding then. I am not at all going to Turkey all alone. It's completely unknown to me. I went to Ankara once. That too with all of you for an event." I said.

" Alright. May RD will not go. But Tasha and Stella will. Bella can accompany them. I am not sure about me. It depends on Steve." She said.

" What about Chloe?" I asked her.

" She will surely attend the wedding. You can go with her." She said.

" Not without you. If you don't go then I will not go as well." I said.

" Don't be a kid." She said.

" I am a kid." I said and she sighed deeply.

No use of attending this kind of celebration without my best friend.

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