summer 2018

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Today after school my friends were talking about sexual orientation while we were at the trainstation. My mom is bisexual so that was one of the themes they were talking about.
One of my guyfriends suddenly said:'It won't surprise me if Lyra was gay or bisexual.' My friends all kind of agreed on this so it got me thinking.

I only had 1 boyfriend, but that was in 6th grade, (a/n groep 8 voor de Nederlanders)
so it doesn't really count as a 'serious' relationship.
But I never really thought about the fact that I might like girls too. But I know that I definitely like boys.

Since that day I've been thinking about it.

A/n this was last year so I don't remember everything clearly, but this is what I can remember.
BTW Lyra is not my real name, but I want to keep anonymous.

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