3- My Hero

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[Hello everyone, this chapter kinda sucks. Sorry! Writers block is beating my ass, and I feel pretty sick. I might go back and fix it when I feel better and all that jazz. Enjoy!]

You were walking down the street with an extra kick in your step. Today was going great!

Key word: Was.

You managed to get a job, you also got a good meal and even a hotel recommendation so you wouldn't be left stranded. Grillby told you of a nice hotel his friend owned, and though it was sort of pricey he said he'd make sure you'd get a discount for the night. What a nice guy!


As you were walking towards the hotel you heard a loud 'CRACK!', and then a whimper. Already knowing of dangerous folk, you debated on going to the source of the sound. Yet, when you heard a weak plea for help, you couldn't help but go and rush to the noise but came to a halt when you saw that it came from an alley way. You peeked from the corner, and what you saw infuriated you.

In the dim lighting of a street light, stood a tall man in ragged clothes holding up a fist. Under him was a skeletal monster, holding his left eye socket. You could see faint transparent neon orange tears rolling down his cheekbones, and he was shaking. The white pin pricks, which was you thought replaced his eyes, seemed dim and shaky. His clothes were tattered and filthy, with his red scarf that hung loosely around his neck covered in dirt and had a few rips.

"H-HUMAN... WHY ARE YOU H-HURTING ME? I-ITS OKAY! THE GREAT PAPYRUS STILL BELIEVES IN YOU TO STOP..!" His voice was raspy. He sounded so hurt, yet he held a hopeful tone in his words too. Your heart broke.

You knew you should go get help, but you feared you'd be too late when you came back. So, you did the only reasonable thing someone could.

You dropped your bag to the side of the alley, careful not to alarm Milo. You grabbed a piece of old wood that was leftover from what you could only assume would be construction. Quietly you went over to the man and bashed him in the side. He let out a startled yelp and let go of the skeleton below him. Though he let go, you didn't stop your thrashing and bashing. Repeatedly , you would hit the man with the wooden stick. When he came back to his senses, he began to thrash at you.

Okay that's gonna leave a bruise-

He managed to hit you on your shoulder, your jaw, and on the forehead. When you gave one more strong and forceful hit, he scurried off. When you saw he was out of sight, you scrambled down to the skeleton despite your body's aching.

"Are you alright?!" You asked, taking his hand gently. Yeah, you were hurting all over, and your body plead for sleep from not resting on a proper bed in hours didn't help, but he needed you. He flinched away for a moment, but when he saw you were trying to help him he gladly accepted. You helped him up and-

Holy shit-

He was tall.

He was at least seven feat tall, maybe if you took an educated guess, around seven foot three? He was towering over you by two feet (You're 5'3 in the story, deal with it). While he fixed himself up, you took in his appearance. On his chest was what you assume battle-body armor. It was a round-ish chest plate, with golden hems at the bottom of the chest and both shoulder sleeves. On the chest plate was a red upside down triangle, with three red horizontal lines underneath. Under that was what you assume to be a black sleeves that trailed all the way up to his red gloves, that again had golden hems. Now underneath, was a more... exposed area. You didn't wanna put too much thought into that. It was blue underwear like armor that rested above his hip bone, with the belt being a golden color and had a silver latch. Under this was again the black fabric, that covered all of his spine and below. You were starting to assume it was paint, but really you would never know. To pull the rest of his attire together, he wore long red boots with two black laces that went across the middle and ended before the curve, and of course his stylish red scarf. You were so invested in taking his attire you almost stumbled when he leaned onto you and gave you a warm smile. His pin pricks seemed to be glowing a bit brighter, which made you happy.

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