Chapter 1.

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Lauren's Pov

One of Lauren's favourite parts of the day is when she gets to see her best friend Camilla Cabello the girl who she is utterly and madly in love with.  Camila seems to be oblivious to the obvious staring Lauren does on a daily bases.

Lauren takes an instant liking to Camila and the selfless personality she contains, the bubbly laugh that would always make Lauren's heart stop beating and her breathing to become erratic.

"laaaauuuurrrreeen"Dinah exclaims, interrupting Lauren abruptly out of her thoughts. Slowly beginning to turn her head towards her best friend, she realises she has four pairs of eyes on her, beginning to blush and tilt her head to the floor. The three of her friends realising that Lauren had been blatantly staring at Camila except Camila herself that's what Lauren thought anyway.

Being interrupted by the bell Dinah closed her mouth and mutted under her breath something inaudible to Lauren as she was still distracted by the way Camila's lips moved as she spoke, gathering her things and shuffling along side Camila for her next class leaving Dinah, Ally and Normani behind, wanting to hear more of Camila's angelic voice.

Knowing that Lauren only had to go to English so she could then be back with Camila at her house where she's determined to finally tell Camila how she feels. Lauren has waited since the day she met her at the beginning of her school journey.

As she began to walk towards the door so she could open it for Camila "After you Camzi" Lauren said smoothly allowing her to walk in front and Lauren to be not so subtly staring at Camila's plump ass shying her eyes away and biting her lip when she hears Camila shout after her to hurry up.

As they arrive she is straight away greeted by Sinu as she says "Nice to see you again Lauren" Lauren quickly replies with "You as well Mrs Cabello hope you don't mind me being over again" Sinu was quick to reassure Lauren pulling her in for a quick hug and replying in her ear with "don't worry about it dear I've always considered you as one of the Cabello's" adding a wink as they released from the hug.

Lauren replied with a quick thankyou running up the stairs towards Camila's room bursting through the door and managing to run straight into Camila knocking them both onto the floor  landing with Lauren between her legs and Camila's face nuzzled into the crook of Lauren's neck

"You smell really good" Camila says just above a whisper and Lauren swears she feels every movement of Camila's lips against her neck, feeling herself get hot all the blood rushing to the lower part of her body.

"close your eyes" Lauren whispered back as Camila's eyes flutter shut Lauren pushes her lips against hers feeling like her chest was on fire and her head was in the clouds, soon after Camila opened her mouth and allowed Lauren to deepen the kiss moving her hands down towards her thighs picking her up and stumbling towards the bed landing on top of Camila as her arms wrapped around her neck pulling her as close as she could possibly get.

Dethatching her lips Lauren moved them down towards Camilla's neck sucking roughly until she reached her collar bone leaving four dark purple marks running down her neck, as she came back up she pressed a light kiss against Camila's nose whispering an "I love you "then dropping her head against Camila's chest her hands in her hair drifting off with a slight smile on her face, but not before hearing Camila whisper them words back to her.

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