Under the darkened skyThe bugs chitter chat
And the animals sleep a slumber.
In these woods should you scatter.
The legend that holds
Is one that’s a scare.
For horrible scrabblers
Are seen everywhere.
Their terrible teeth
Are Sharper than nails.
They will nip and claw.
No one will answer your yells.
These horrid scrabblers
Are a sight to see.
For they are beautiful creatures;
But don’t let that fool thee.
They will catch you
By their charm,
Never to be seen again.
Their actions will cause no alarm.
The deeper you go
The harder it is to see .
The scrabblers are catching up
You hide behind a tree.
Crunch,crack,is all you hear.
The feel of hot breath
Is at your nose.
You fear this is your death.
The rough fur touches your skin,
The growels are growing louder.
You look for anything to protect yourself,
But nothing was their to be found.
Your eyes are closed shut
And the woods suddenly go quiet.
You open your eyes just a little
Hoping the scrabblers weren’t ready to riot
You look around confused
Was it all just a dream
You start your journey again
And their a beautiful creature is seen.

PoetryThese poems consist of small short stories and a little about myself. So yeah. They tell of creatures,trees,and far away places. And a lot more.