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Hello! Just wanted to say I hope you enjoy this story! It's only two chapters, but I would love reviews! Thank you! xoxo

The Doctor and Clara held onto the railings of the TARDIS as it stabilized.

"Let's see where the old girl's taken us this time!" The Doctor clapped his hands together and ran over to the screen with his usual enthusiasm, which was quickly replaced with confusion.

"What's the matter, Doctor?" Clara asked.

"I-it's…I don't know." He leaned in closer to the screen. "The TARDIS landed us in New York." He threw his hands up in exasperation. "Out of ALL of time and space, ANYWHERE in the UNIVERSE, and the TARDIS picked New York?!" The Doctor almost shouted. Clara could see he was obviously still sour towards the city, since his last visit.

"Well then. If she's landed us here, it's for a purpose I suppose."

He shook off his previous outburst and replaced his frustrated expression with his familiar, goofy grin. "But ya know what I say we do then?" he said with a mischievous glint in his brilliant green eyes…. "Let's go find out!" He hopped down the stairs to the door when he noticed Clara had moved to the pilot chair, looking a mixture of almost boredom and tiredness.

"What's wrong, Clara?" Concern filled The Doctor's voice.

Clara looked up from her intense gaze on her nails and said "Why don't you just…take this one by yourself? I need to…uhm..rest." She was such a bad liar. "I'm a bit wiped out from our last run in with the Judoon." She managed a weak smile before waving off The Doctor's still concerned face. "Really Doctor! I'm fine. I'm gonna go rest, alright?"

The Doctor put his smile back on, still unsure why she was acting so strangely. She seemed fine a few minutes ago…it's almost like she…knows what's out there for this trip, and she'd rather me face it alone. Maybe the TARDIS was telling her something?

He shrugged and said "Alright Clara. I'll be back before you can say "Where has he run off to now?" And with a wink, he was out the TARDIS doors.

Taking a look around, it looked…well, normal. He had landed in the middle of a playground in a modern, 2013 looking neighborhood in New York. He licked his finger and held it to the air. Early March, about 43 degrees out and slightly windy. But, it didn't FEEL normal. Something was very, very not good. He had an uneasy feeling…like someone was waiting for him. Like someone..called for him.

He quickly checked his psychic paper for any messages, but it was blank. Putting it back in his jacket pocket, he walked around the park. He was getting distracted by this pretty tree with yellow flowers starting to blossom all over it, when he ran into someone, knocking them to the ground. He reached out to help them up and started rambling.

"Oh my! I'm terribly sorry. I wasn't paying attention. You see, I saw that beautiful tree over there and I jus-" He stopped dead in his sentence when he saw the person he knocked down. It was a young woman, looking the age of 17 or so, wearing a pair of washed out, old skinny jeans, a turquoise sweatshirt with stars scattered about it, and red high top converse, but it was her face that caught his interest. The girl had pale, smooth skin, blue-green eyes, a small, dainty pointed nose, and her hair is what stuck out most. She had long, wavy, auburn hair. Almost as if one parent was a brunette and the other was a…

"Hello Doctor." She said in an English accent.

This took him even more by surprise. How did she know his name? And why did she have an English accent, in New York? A thought dawned on him. She couldn't be…could she? He finally helped her up and she stood at a height of 5'6'' or so. Long, athletic legs, and a small but curvy frame. He reminded her so much of…He shook it off. The Doctor squinted at her. "How do you know my name?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2014 ⏰

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