Chapter 3

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"So...hows your life? What happened after graduation?" Ryan asks me to break the awkward silence. I appreciate that. I ain't about talking first. "Um...well I went to university. Graduated with a film major. Right now I'm working under this short film director. She's great but kind of bossy. And...that pretty much wraps up my life. How about you?" I ask. "Well, I'm working. I'm a layout designer. I've got a girl. Her parents love me. Like It's kind of creepy." He laughs. "Well, you are a charming guy". What the eff?! Why did I say that. God damn it!!! Urrgghhh!! Shit. We both awkwardly stare at each other and smile. Well I just make this ride more awkward than it already was. "Alison, eh? Yeah I like her. She's...sweet''. I say as nicely as I could. He smiles back. Oh gosh he has a killer smile. "Thanks?" He says. I nod quite seizure-like. I hate this. Actually no. To be honest, I really dont know if I like this conversation or hate it. I guess in somewhere in between.

After a minute or so, we reach the diner. Finally!! As I un-buckled my seat belt, and felt the cold wind in my face. He had opened the door for me. What...?? Guys who do that still exist?? Woah... "Ummm....thank you", I shakly said to him. He smiles. I faint. We walk in and everybody is ready wearing their jackets and evrything. They spot us and their faces light up. "Finally!! You guys took forever" Issac says. "Don't blame me", Ryan explains while pionting at me. I laugh saracsticly. "Okay okay guys. Let's go", Alison excliames and gets out of her booth. I'm sleepy. And hungry.

We all pay and leave the diner. Issac and Ryan sit in the front and Piage and I sit at the back with Alison in the middle. Gentalmen in the front and the ladies in the back. The ladies and me, of course. I wouldnt consider myself a "lady". I'm sitting on the left side so i can see Ryan's eyes in the backview mirror. Oh my. Hqe's looking so concentrated looking at the road with his eys so beautiful, intense, dreamy, wait wait?!? Snap out of it Nora!! In school, teachers would be considered lucky if they got him to concentrate on work.

During our ride, we talked about our work and our work places. That was great. I had so much to talk about. Except i didn't say it out loud. I was ready to answer if anyone asked me about it. I'm confident to talk about this. "So, Paige, how did Issac and you meet?" Alison asks. Yeah no. they have come to the great and teriable topic of romantic relationship. Im a lost puppy in the choice of topic. The romantic connection I have had with anyone ever was with Ryan and I ain't telling these people about that. I haven't dated or even liked anyone all that seriously after Ryan. I guess I got caught up with school and then work and the small amount of my social skills that i had, I lost that too. But then again, that's why I have my work and books and movies and of couse, Pinterest. Just when I think I've disappeared from the car or that I'm invisibale, Alison shifts towards me and says, "So, Nora, tell us about your prevoise realtionships?" "uhh..well i haven't been in a ever. Soo...well i do love my work so you could say I'm in a realtionship with my work". " 'In a relationship with my work' shit. blah blah blah. Your life is so depressing, Nora", Paige says saracasticly. "well, it's me", I say with a shrug. "Well how did you and Ryan meet?" I actually want to know that happened. How did a guy like Ryan and a girl like Alison got together? "Well", she says forcing the shy out of her. Urgh. What a whore. "We met at a party through a mutual friend", she says while trying to get a glimpse from Ryan through the backview mirror. "Aww. how cute", Paige says. More like, "eww. How cliché of 'meeting at a party and falling in love'. Not that I think they are in love. I don't get that vibe from them like I do with Issac and Paige. But whatever. Their bussiness.

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