City Buses

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I met my bus where I normaly meet it, right outside of Starbucks, where my routine was always grab two coffee one for me one for my boss. I got on to only hit the brick wall I normally do of "creepy people." I sat down in the seat that sits across from the normal place I sit. A young, happy, little boy sat where I use to; I didn't hold it against him, he was enjoying the heater anyways. My same old creepy, poor, and horid bus driver still driving even though his glasses are thicker than bulletproof glass. The wind of the door opening blew my long coat alittle to the left revealing the handle of my handgun. I quickly moved my coat not trying to alarm anyone espicially the little kid who hasn't stopped staring at me since I got on. Finally, my stop, same old tall building, police cars outside awaiting dispatch and the same receptionist, the depressed old lady who is still firguring out how to turn her computer on. I walked up to her and gave her my card, she replied with "Sir, if you don't mind but my computer seems to be acting up, would you mind?" I reached over the counter and pressed the power button, she nodded gently and waved me through.  Being on the top floor has its 'pros and cons', such as having to hold two coffee, bag, gun on the hip, coat, and pressing the elevator button, that normally takes a bit of muscle, but I also get windows, nice view, use of helicopter pad, and I get my own personal office, I would never survive in a cubicle. I waited for the next employee to come and press the button, my hands were full and I wasn't in the mood for coffee all over my hands. Some prepy girl, came, I immediately thought some intern who took it way to far, and of course after five years of experience I was right, I read her guest card revealing what her clearance was and it was an intern, so I let her do all the work of delivering me to the floor. I got off on my floor, thinking well another day in tracking down people who didn't pay a speeding ticket...I walked by a teenage intern, who waved and gave alittle bit of a look of "Please give me something to do this sucks, they took my phone away in the lobby." Interns were never aloud phones, espicially because half of them would be taking pictures left and right and saying stuff like "Tracking down bad guy #Detective" but the reality was they were sitting in the corner unjamming the photocopier. I didn't give any sympathy at all, I once started as the photocopier unjammer but now I'm the Lead Detective. I walked into my boss's office to the great greeting the moron always gives me, "ready for excitement? Anyways this coffee is cold, and your report is way over due, I will fire you, you have no seniority..." But really I had more schooling than he did, he was just there to take my reports and give them to the Chief... I sat down at my desk, same old assistand saying how some poor shmuck can't pay for vandalism and that we have to go and track him down, normally they're happy when we come to get them, we give them food, shelter, and clothing so what do they care. I waved to dispatch to send out a car. I took a big sip of coffee, but halfway through my never used pager goes off and I have no clue what the code means, because, we never use them because we have no action. I take out my keys and scurry through my office filing cabinet. I found the pager...I looked on the chart on the back saying that I had to go to an emergency police meeting.First time since a kid tried to prank the police by saying "This person isn't my mommy come and get me!" We got there only to see that the little girl had found the phone, dialed the emergency number (since that's the only thing kids seem to learn about these days) and thought it would be funny to have a fake emergency. I ran to the elevator and squished in with the other detectives. We went to the basement floor to the lock down meeting room. I got to the room and the first thing I saw on the screen was this title "BRUTALLY MURDERED PEDESTRIAN AT VIP PART" I ran to the chair next to the chair at the end of the table. We all sat down, and we all quieted down. The body was found in a janitor's closet, the janitor wanted to get a mop since some blonde spilled her champagne all over the floor. Only to be welcomed by half a body...I stopped and went back and said aloud "Wait...Half a body?" Everyone looked in pain, faces wincing, and red puffed cheeks...I said again "Did you just say half a body?" The cheif turned and looked into my eyes and stared, "Yes, if you must repeat these brutal sentences don't interrupt our briefing." I turned and rolled my eyes. Half the body is gone, where has it gone, why has it gone, who in the world kills a VIP and noone notices...At a party...With hundred's of people...My boss spoke up and said "I heard the janitor's yell, pretty horrifying..." "What in the hell are you talking about? You were there!" The cheif yelled silent, and everyone went drop-pin silent. "Co-Chief and I were invited, we took up the invitation..." I immediately took out my note pad, but not really thinking, I kinda did it discreetly. I wrote in my not so spelling savvy writing 'Y didnt Chief and Co Ch. tell us' and I wrote underneath 'where was evry1.' We all were dismissed and I got back to my office, my first reaction was to do my research on what was this "VIP Party" even for? I got my assistant to do it as I was to busy brain storming. I called around to the other local departments. Each and everyone thought it was alittle eye brow raising on the fact of my Chief and Co-Chief hadn't told us about it, texted us about it, even communicated...The cheifs didn't even seem the least bit worried.

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