Sparks Fly (Pietro Maximoff x OC)

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A/N Thank you soo much for the request, @WolfandDagger !  I had fun writing this one, I hope it's Angsty and romantic enough for you, as I am fairly noobish at writing angst... I hope this is what you meant? :-) I will also be doing editing on this when I see grammatical/spelling errors, I'm awful at seeing them before I post. 

Just a heads up for everyone, this OC has a physical disability, meaning she is in a wheelchair a lot, however she is a pyrokinetic (ability to superheat atoms and create fire, thus also destroying fire).


I'm sat in the lift, travelling down to the training rooms. The cold shining metal lift is flooded with loud AC/DC music, courtesy of Tony Stark. I push my wine purple framed glasses back into their origonal position on the bridge of my nose, untucking a lock of short auburn hair from the right handle. Brushing my hands over my soft denim jeggins, the lift doors pping open- releasing me into a eggshell white concrete corridor. Pushing my wheels forwards, i am propelled towards my desired designation; only to spot two figures lingering about the entrance to the room. The two charcoal suited blonde haired male agents are unaware of my pressence, as the glare into the training room through the small window in the redwood door. The shorter agent is slouching against the doorframe, a smirk twitching his tanned lips. They are mumbling between one another; "Why do we even have a guy like that?" The taller agent muses, his New Yorker accent echoing off of the glass that he's fogging up. The shorter blonde shrugs nochalantly, combing his hand through his choppy hair. "I don't know, dude." His Louisianan accent as stark (no pun intended) contrast to his cohort, "he's kinda cool." he defends, earning a scoff from his partner. The shorter one looks up to the other agent, shyly mumbling "His sister's quite hot..." earning a sly sideways glance from the taller agent.

Reaching them, the shorter agent straightens up, a slight blush tinting his pale cheeks. I allow a glare at the lascivious gleam in the taller agent's eye, "When you two are done slobbering over your new crush," I turn my wheelchair to the double doors "I need to train." I flash my best smile towards them, the smaller agent falls away from the doorframe and opens the eft hand door. He offers me a sheepish smile as he shifts on his feet. The taller agents leans over me, latching onto the handles of my chair, he leans in towards me "Tell you what," he growls, his cobalt blue eyes scan my body and his breahte stinks of tobacco. "you give me a kiss, and mabye... just mabye, i'll let you train with speedy over there." He smacks his lips together loudly, i shudder at the thought. I look past him to see Pietro stretching in the middle of the expansive room, snapping my eyes back up to the Agent I waft my hand over my nose and mouth. "Not smelling like that you won't." I slap his hand off of my wheelchair, he hisses in pain as he straightens up. I push past him, glancing at the smaller agent at the door. "Oh and, just be glad i'm not reporting you. Just think what Fury would do to you two..." I spin to face the two, the taller one stalks to the other's left. "Smoking," The taller agent jumps at the opportunity "What smoking hot?" I gag internally. "Sexual harrassment... Fury would have a feild day with the two of you." I coo, i cackle summoning an Irish green flam to engulf my left hand, "No, not hot..." I smile into the fire, laughing when the two agents back away. Extinguishing the fire I wink at the smaller agent, before wheeling towards Pietro, the door closes with a light click behind me.  Pietro has once again started running the track on the margine of the training room. Tracking his blurred form, i spot Bucky jogging past the door, growling everytime Pietro laps him. He spots me, waving briefly. His long brunette hair sticking to his neck, he produces an off white rag from his combat trousers' pocket and dabs his neck dry. He comes to a halt, walking briskly over to me. I smile up to the towering super soldier. "Hi Buck." I greet, he flexes his bionic arm as he folds the cloth back into his pocket. "Hey kiddo. Those Agents give you any trouble?" I chuckle dryly, "When aren't they?" Bucky's brown eyes darken, he glares towards the door. "I can handle it Buck." I shrug it off, he nods reluctantly muttering "Assholes." I hear a mock gasp from behind me, Pietro wraps his hands around my ears "Bucky! To swear near someone with such delicate ears as сорока." (Google translate.... i apologise to anyone who speaks Russian, this is meant to translate to Magpie) I pull his hands off of me, he smirks as i glare at him, "I'm older than you Runner" i stick my tongue out, "Anyway, he'll get shouted at my Steve anyway." I retort, Pietro cackles as Bucky rolls his eyes. 

I pull my leather fingerless gloves tighter over my hands, flexing my fingers individually. I look sadly up to Pietro, who is still beaming proudly from his joke; "You haven't been sleeping again, have you?" Bucky looks concerned over to Pietro, who shrinks away from his gaze. Pietro glances at the ivory clock that hangs over the door leading back out into the corridor. He shrugs, rocking on his heels "I guess I could try to sleep now." I smiles softly at me "If it will make you happy?" I nod slowly, purring "Very."  Pietro walks over to the far corner of the room, where a plethora of crimson and royal blue exercise mats sit bordered by a couple of deflated beanbags. I chuckle watching Pietro trying to get comfy, "Have fun." Pietro waves dramatically before he falls into the stack of mats before i turn my chair towards the door. Setting of, I don't hear Bucky following, I spin round to find an empty room, save a sleeping Pietro. "On your right, Rook." Bucky calls, he stands holding the door open. Sighing, i wheel through towards the lift "Thank you kind sir." Bucky hums a laugh when we enter the lift, once again greeted by AC/DC music. 

~~~~~~~~Small time skip, brought to you by Pietro running in his sleep~~~~~~~~

I park my wheelchair next to my favourite onyx leather sofa, Bucky waltzes into the kitchen behind me. I hear him gathering two china mugs from a cupboard as I lower myself onto the soft leather. Stretching my aching legs out over the rest of the cushions, I sigh in relaxation. The floor is quiet. Tony, Clint, Nat and Steve are in a meeting with Fury- Tony no doubt has fallen asleep... Bruce is in his lab as always and Thor is out looking for an extremely pissed off Loki. I did tell Tony to stop bugging to poor guy, but of course he shrugged my warning off. Said "You are over reacting Rook." No Tony. Your were just being an immature child and kept calling him Reindeer Games. At least my nickname for his is kinder.... I hope he does actually like it, that he isn't planning my demise, right this second. The lift pinging open rips me from my thoughts, Wanda saunters in. Her eyes puffy and red, her hands showing a small tinge of scarlet energy. "Wanda!!" I announce my friends' entrance. She smiles broadly as i pull my legs up to my chest, inviting her to sit down with me, "Hello Rook." Her voice wavering, I tilt my head studying her. "Is everything ok?" I inquire. She plops down harshly next to my feet, she pushes her hair behind her ears, a broken sigh breaching her lip. She hooks her arms under my legs, lifting them gently over hers. She snaps her eyes towards me, "I didn't hurt you, did I?" Her voice a concerned whisper. I shake my head no, chuckling softly "No, Wanda. Actually, you've helped them straighten out more." A bright smile springs to her lips. Silence falls over us again, Bucky passes me a powder blue cup of hot milky coffee "Thanks Bucky." He nods and sits on the opposite onyx sofa, nursing his coffee. Wanda begins absent mindedly tracing shapes and patterns on my legs, I shiver as I relax into her. The comfortable silence is broken by the seemingly louder pinging of the lift doors behind Bucky. We all look towards the shining capsule, Clint and Natasha exit, Clint throwing dirty looks towards a very ruffled looking Tony. Steve strolls up to Bucky, waving to me and Wanda. "Are you two OK?" his ocean blue eyes scanning us meticulously. Wanda nods, I smile up to him as he goes and sits on Bucky's left "All good here." I think back to Pietro, sleeping in the mat fortress in the training room, my eyes prickle with tears. Turning my head to face the sofa, I quickly wipe my eyes; I hear two sets of footsteps approaching the sofa, looking up, Clint and Natasha are looking down at me, both with worried looks in their eyes.  I force my smile back onto my lips, Natasha looks to Clint briefly. Clint sits on Steve's left, still studying me "Are you OK Rook?" I study the group of Avengers, pulling myself up to a better sitting position. "Yeah. I'm just worried about Pietro." Wanda pats my legs, I look into her eyes, "I am too. He's having nightmares of being back in Hydra." I pull my legs carefully off of her lap, pushing myself to my feet I look towards the lift. "I'm going checking on him, he's probably still in the training rooms." I call over my shoulder. Tony shifts on his feet and walks towards my wheelchair, "Do you need this, kid?" he asks. I look to my faithful royal blue chair, "No, I need to stretch my legs." I look at the concerned faces of my team, "I'll ask FRIDAY to get you guys if I need it. Deal?" I turn as they murmur a collective, reluctant  agreement. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Another Time skip, ummm..... stay hydrated~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Exiting the lift, I see the corridor empty. Good, no ignorant agents to mock my waddling gate.
Approaching the room for what seems like the fifth time today, I smile to myself as I her a distorted stampede of footsteps. Breaching the doors, I see Pietro doing anti clockwise laps. His body contorts as he runs, I manage a glimpse of his face -anger, exhaustion and sadness. I step out in front of him, holding my hands out in front of me. He skid to a halt, his eyes aflame. "Pietro," he snaps his eyes to me, they're blood shot and red. "Runner, I thought you were going to try and sleep for a bit?" He scoffs, turning away from me. "I can't" His voice broken and exhausted. I place my hands on his shoulders, "I-" I take a deep breathe to stop my tears flooding out of my eyes. "I, know what you are going through. I have-" He jolts away from me, I try to steady myself, "No! No, you don't have any idea!" I over compensate and fall backwards, my legs folding and crashing to the cold concrete floor.  I clear my throat, tears falling freely; "Don't forget..." I summon a Irish green flame in the centre of my left hand's palm. "I was taken by Hydra. I was experimented on." I weave the flame around my hands, I watch the hypnotic flame dance freely but never leaving the protection of my leather glove.  I glare at Pietro, my eyes soften as he crouches to meet my eyes. Guilt painting his face, "I was weak. They made me their weapon." I look away from him, "I'm still weak..." Long arms snake around my waist, Pietro place his head on mine. He releases a deep sigh, mumbling "You are not weak. You saved me, you saved Loki. You saved the team... It's you and me," he kisses my forehead, "against the world." 

A/N Thank you guys so much for reading! Please request other characters in Marvel, or more Pietro maybe if you want a personal story or scenario doing. Please comment, vote and share my story.
Dream Big and Reach for the Stars My lovelies!


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