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The next day I woke up got ready and left for work.

When I walked in I saw Nick he gave me a smile and acted normal like nothing is happening between us. God knows how hard it is to act like he is just your boss but you want him.

I was in my office working listening to new songs, making plans about music videos. When I was done I headed to the studio where the boys were practicing

"heyy boyss" I said and they all waved at me they had headphones on and microphones in front of them.

The beat was on and they started singing. When Nick was singing he looked at me and that nade me nervous he didn't look away he locked his eyes on me.

When the song was done I headed to the back of the studio and the boys left

"ma" I heard a voice that I knew too good

It was Nick he was standing on the door frame and looked at me. He walked closer put his hand on my hair and placed kisses on my neck. He slowly made his way to my mouth and we were making out in the studio.

I was scared that someone is going to see us but I didn't stop. I continued on kissing him his hands were on my waist.

"i miss you"

"same I can't handle this it's hard you are so close but so far ugh" I said and hugged him I rested my head on his chest

"I have a meeting now call me later we will go out" He said and kissed my forehead

He was gone and inside I felt so empty and numb. I missed him more and more but I got so many questions like... Why me?

Nick's POV

I was in Simon's office and the room entered blone girl, with plump lips, slim body and had beautiful smile

She sat next to me and introduced herself

"hi I am Jana"

"um Nick nice to meet you" I said and looked at Simon

"so uh we were thinking that... Yall need to date for publicity and stuff neither of you have a lover so it's for the best for both of you" he said

"what? NO" I said and Jana just looked at me she didn't say anything she wanted this but I didn't

The first thing that popped on my mind was Abigail. I can't do that to her I don't want to. But I can't say I have a lover...she is going to be in trouble if I say something

I got up and rushed out of the room and slammed the door. I was mad I was furious they want me to date some random model for publicity

No now when I finally got Abigail. When she finally believes me I can't loose her trust now.

I was in my office and I was thinking. I have to tell Abigail about this or she is going to find out herself.

She is not going to be mad cause she will know it's for publicity but she is not going to meet up with me, she will stay away from me and its understandable. I can't let this happen

I walked inside ger office without knocking she jumped cause she got scared but then she smiled

God I can't do this to her look at that smile. But then my phone rang

Nick where are you?

Bye Simon I am not doing that
and you can't make me

"god Nick that was rude.. And what are you not gonna do?" she asked and closed the door

"see that's why I am here... Simon wants me to date some model for publicity" I said i looked at hershe lowered her head and her smile faded away

"um do it I guess"

"NO i don't want to I can't. Cause I want you to be that girl"

"but Nick we both know I can't do that. Imagine the rumors and I am goi going to be fired for sure" She said with glossy eyes

"I promise I wont let you down" I said and hugged her

breaking his own rules | nick maraWhere stories live. Discover now