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I was on my way to Nates apartment. I was nervous I haven't seen him in so long I hope he is better.

When I got there I walked in the elevator and pressed the 10th button. I got there faster than I thought. I walked to his door and knocked on it I was welcomed by Nate who had a smile on his face that slowly faded. Like everything came back to him

"hey Nate" I said and hugged him

"Abigail..." he hugged back

I walked in and sat down he got me a drink and sat in front of me si we were facing each other.

"so you called me you wanted to see me I haven't seen you in... Well in a minute. How are you doing?" I asked

"better, way better actually. But I lost something that meant a lot to me and you lost it too. I want to talk to you but will you understand me..."

"I will be over here sitting in silence and you spill everything out of you" I said and leaned on the couch

"Do you ever just... Feel so much in love with someone that you are scared to move on or loose them.

After her Abigail...

I dont breath the same
I don't think the same
I don't see the point of life the same
I don't love the same
I don't kbow how to move on"

His words were stronger than me and my stubborn self,a tear left my eye. Because I know Nate better than anyone... He knows Toni too he knows Damian too.

Do you remember Erica my bestie I know I haven't talked about her in a minute we got into a fight and she left . Jordan is back in Russia and I don't have a best friend

The fight was bullshit we were both in the wrong but we were dumb to realize that.

"Nate...I am here for you no matter what but I want you to know that Mila would love to see you happy, she would love to see you in love with someone that makes you happy and believe me I knwo how it's like to loose someone that changed your world"

"But How? I can't move on Abigail, I see a girl and yeah she ia cute vut she isn't Mila."

"you know no one is ever going to be Mila or Damian. But someone is going to be the real one remember that.Did you get my point?" I asked him

He nodded and hugged me.

It was late I was on my way home when I saw a black car coming my way. Thank god I had sneakers on and thank god I knew how to run fast and fight. Cause the car was moving faster and that was my sign to sprint

I ran faster than ever and got my phone to call someone to help me.

Nick nick... Should I call him? No no I can't I won't put his life in risk.

I was hiding and saw that it was an Russian car. My heart started racing I wanted to call Erica so bad she was the one who would fight anyone at any time for me

"Gianni Dedov" I heard a feminine voice from behind me

I quickly turned around and saw Toni's wanna be girlfriend I dropped ny bag and punched her she ounched back but I escaped my ohone was still in my hands but I had no money.

I ran to the PM house.

"What is wrong with you?" Edwin asked me because I came running inside and slammed the door

"Edwin they found me I have to go I can't put yall in trouble. I will be okay I will survive I am the baddest bitch in town but now I have to go" I said

"what are you talking about?" Z came and asked me

"Toni's gang and his girlfriend. I can't be around yall cause they will use you guys so they can get me" I said and ran upstairs to pack my stuff

I saw Nick there sleeping peacefully I woke him up.And I told him everything

"no you won't leave"

"yes I will... Holly shit" I said and started taking off my clothes

"what are you doing Abigail?!" Nick asked me and the other boys closed their eyes

I ran to the bathroom and put the clothes under water. And got new ones.

"what was that for?" B asked

"She touched me and she is smart she probably put something on my clothes so she can find me... But I have
no time for chit chat I have to leave and don't worry I will be fine I promise"

I said and kissed Nick.

I wore bkack leggings and a black tank top and sneakers. In my backpack I had everything I needed but i headed to the gun store. My friend worked there

I got a gun for safety reasons and my phone rang...Erica❤️



Erica? Why are you calling me

I heard that you are in trouble and you know that I am gere for you no natter what so tell me where are you cause it's getting boring

No you don-

Where are you I don't have time to locate you

Okay okay come at In n out

On my way babe

I am happy she called...

What is going to happen next? Wohoo


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