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The night was young, she was resting her head on my shoulder while listening to the calming sound of the waves and the light wind.

The kiss made me anxious. Did she like it? Why did she do that if she said that we can't be together?

"Nick maybe we should head home I am tired" she said I nodded and we headed to my car

After 10 minutes she fell asleep. She was so beautiful I can't let her go. She is different and she makes me feel different.

The next day

It was Milas funeral. Abigail was extremely exhausted. I looked at her, she was in all black like the others.

She was gripping my arms while watching her sister being buried in the dirt. Tears didn't stop from falling

She didn't speak, her father was weak too. Loosing his daughter it must be hard. A pain that no one wants to feel

The day passed Abigail didn't say a word she layed on me. While I was brushing her hair with my fingers she mumbled


"for what?" i asked her

"You need to go home I am pain in the ass honestly... Look at me"

"no Abigail I won't leave you, not now or ever. You need me now you need my shoulder for crying and I need you... I need my Abigail back"

"there's something I need to tell you... I am not supposed to tell you this.. Actually we will talk tomorrow we can go take a breakfast but now you will go home okay?"

"but-" she cut me off

"no buts... Please go" she smiled I pecked her lips made sure she is good and left

I couldn't stop thinking about Mila, why did she hide her? And what is she going to tell me tomorrow?

I am not ready...

I walked and saw the boys and Jana

"Nick where were you?" Jana came to me mad

"I was with Abigail duh"

"you were supposed to be here, and you know that you can't just play like that the fans are curious ans I want us to be public now"

"Jana Abigail needs me, and no matter what I will always care about her. And we are FAKE and we are not going public... Okay?"


"that's it" I yelled and went to my room

Janas POV

Nick was mad

I knew he liked her that made me sad and mad. I didn't like her. Why? Why her? What was she doing that I wasn't?

After 15 minutes I decided to go and say sorry to him. I knocked on the door buy i got no answer. I opened and saw Nick sleeping.

I walked up to him and sat next to him Creepy I know but you have no idea how much I want him to love me to give me a chance

I slowly put my hand on his head running my fingers softly in his hair making sure to not wake him up.

"ugh? Abigail?" he mumbled but didn't open his eyes

My heart was crashed he dreams about her... Jana you don't have a chance maybe you should give up and let them be happy you can survive right?

"Abigail" he mumbled again I leaned pecked his cheek amd left I knew that this is the end

Abigails POV

It was 3 AM i couldn't sleep. I was better than before but I couldn't stop thinking about Mila. She is gone she really for real deadass is gone. It hurts so much

Tomorrow I am going to tell Nick everything and I will leave work.
How is he going to react is he going to be angry or...

Mrs. Brown did give me money but I didn't have a choice. I had to my sister's life depended on her. I needed the money.

I can't lie to Nick I want to be with him, no more drama, the fans are crazy they can find out everything... But what about Jana?

I can't deal with this anymore my mind is tired. Let's hope that tomorrow is going to be better... Who am I kidding?

Sorry for the late update. I needed some time for me.

Some problems in my life that really messed me up but I am back... And not better but I will update for yall❤️


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